Multitrack Export for M:C and M:S

This is worth a try!


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HI guys! First post, hope this is fine.

If youŕe anything like me you like to have everything in seperate tracks for mixing and mastering. Since I’m a bit lazy and don´t like to record one track after the other I made this handy little tool for this purpose. You don´t even need an audio interface for it.

(Roland and or Novation devices will most likely follow in the future)


Can this do Octatrack? :star_struck:

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Oh yes, a thousand times yes. If you do that, @BKLronin, it would be like finding the holy grail.

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I suspect you might have to buy him an octatrack first :smiley:


Ah thanks for mergin admin!

Iĺl look into the octatrack. As I don´t have one I might need a beta tester that can try it out and feedback during development.


Please do that and you’ll have tens of beta testers here.


Yes. Donations, admiration and casual relationships would pour in. (It’d actually be kind of a big deal :slight_smile: )

Willing beta tester.

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So far from what I can see it should work. At least for a current selected pattern and maybe the A and B scene. I can´t find controls for any kind of song structure or any sort of program change for the “project_mode” (multiple pattern recording in underbridge) yet. Might need to watch a general tutorial.

Good to hear we have beta testers :slight_smile: , that is very important. Ideally someone on a Linux platform? Windows would be snd choice and mac third. Thats just filtered by the amount of time I need to produce a working application I can send to a tester.

I can probably start development next week already. I shouldn´t take to long maybe a month or two.

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I am curious about how this works. Does it automatically mute the tracks and record each separately, or are you doing some magic to pull the individual track outputs while they are all playing at once, like overbridge?

Yes its sequential as its the only way around two “physical” outputs.

For overbridge you need hardware that is able to do this, thats why overbridge isnt available for octatrack or the model series I suppose.

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Yeah, I thought maybe you had done some crazy firmware hacking or something to get individual outs. But this seems like a much nicer way to do it than manually.

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Yep nothing invasive going on. Also not much influenced by any firmware updates etc.

Mostly easy in installation and usage. :slight_smile:

Does it work on Chromebook?

@BKLronin I’m sure owners of Roland mc-101 and mc-707 would appreciate something like this for splitting drum tracks too. (Audio ‘tone’ tracks already have their own audio channels)

I haven’t checked the midi implementation so I don’t know if it’s possible.

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Can´t say, probably not but you could try the linux version without key and see if it launches.

Yes, MC101 is a good candidate, as mentioned in my post further up. The 707 has something for export I think. Novation circuits and tracks etc have the requirements too.

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Hi Octanauts,

I´ve build in a very basic support for octatrack into underbridge pro 1.3. That means its pure speculation if it works or not but its the foundation if anyone wants to feedback on it.

Since it doesnt have midi or audio over usb it has to be connected to channel 1/2 and a dedicated midi interface hat will be shown on the conenct page but no automatic functions will be available of course.

I doubt its so much more useful in comparison to just using seperate audio outs and record the midi channels directly into daw. Id sugest not to buy it if you only have the octatrack and none of the other devices.

Have a nice weekend all!

(I got a mac now)

Hi there.

Am I right in thinking, this is more a tool for ‘audio dumping’ into separate tracks, rather than being able to record a long jam through it and end up with the individual wavs?

Nice idea regardless.