Multitrack recording via Overbridge WITH audio FX?

Hi all,

I’ve set up my Digitone into Ableton live via Overbridge, with 4 separate channels for each track fed by the MIDI master track. But the FX aren’t coming through on the separate track channels - every track is dry. Is there a way to do this?

Trk1 - MIDI / digitone via overbridge
Trk2 - Audio / taking from trk 1 - Digitone track 1 (dry)
Trk3 - Audio / taking from trk 1 - Digitone track 2 (dry)
Trk4 - Audio / taking from trk 1 - Digitone track 3 (dry)
Trk5 - Audio / taking from trk 1 - Digitone track 4 (dry)

thanks so much!

No, because the Digitone has only a single FX unit on the master. To have separate FX for each track would require 4 FX units.

You can reconfigure the Digitone that the master carries only the signal from the FX unit (but then this is still the FX sum).

BTW: this topic is discussed here on the forum over and over again. Using the search functionality will reveal more details (it’s the same issue with the Digitakt, A4 and Rytm - all of them having only a single FX unit on the master).


That makes sense. Thank you.

BTW I searched, but because the question comes up in different forms, it’s actually quite tricky to find the answer sometimes. e.g. I searched “multitrack overbridge digitone FX” and nothing came up that I found useful.

I’m afraid repetition is inevitable - and of course you don’t have to reply.

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Yes, it is. My remark about the search function was just if you want more details how others work around this issue. But essentially there isn’t really a good workaround when you want to edit the multitrack recording later on. Even with the master track set to stream only the summed up FX its not that useful for editing (because - well - it’s still a sum).

It’s actually fine for me. I’m happy to record my 4 track performance into Ableton as a starter sketch and then add to it, chop it up etc.

I’m just surprised each track can’t be split off with their respective FX returns.

there’s only one (1) FX return.

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Then how does each track have different levels for each effect? Doesn’t that require separate returns?

It’s a send effect. So you are sending each track to the effect. All modern Elektron boxes are like this (aside from the OT, if you count that as modern).

You could do single passes of the master for each track into your DAW but that will double/quadruple up the effect tbh. Best way is to create a seperate Effect Track for the effect sound only, and blend this into your mix of 4 drys as desired.

The benefit of OB really tho, is to use your DAW plugins on your individual tracks, give that a try too.

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Got it. Thanks!