Multitracking not working w/ Digitakt


since i updated to OB 2 and my Digitakt to OS 1.2, i can’t figure out how to get multitracking in Ableton working again.

as a reference: i’m using the “Digitakt Multitraking Template” for Ableton from this site.

The problem is, that i keep hearing the whole pattern all the time, and i can’t mute or solo one of the eight tracks.
“Sync” is set to transport in the OB vst, and i can change the tempo with Ableton.

i really don’t know what i’m doing wrong.

Did you mute the Digitakt MIDI Track? If not, you’ll keep hearing your pattern.

In the Audio Routing of the DT, Tracks 1 to 8 are red or green?

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Yes, i muted the DT MIDI track. still

What do you mean exactly by “Audio Routing of the DT”?
In Ableton Live? When routed the way like in the template, the faders are blinking green in the corresponding audio track, i.e. hear the kick and see the fader of the audio track that is routed to the DT Track 1 blink green.

i found out, that i can still record single tracks from the DT with that routing from above (8 Audio Tracks with Tracks 1-8 from DT, all set to in; DT vst set to send only, mute).

But why can’t i mute the DT?
Maybe i should mention, that i have the DT set up as Audio Interface in Live, and therefore I listen to everything through the headphones exit in the DT.
But isn’t that the way it should be used?

don’t use the DT as Audio Interface when multitracking!

Everything works fine with my Steinberg device, now.

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Have you set audio routing to not send the tracks to main?


thank you so much!

that was it!
i had to turn off the routing to main in the DT for all 8 Track and the 2 FX Tracks.

i’m soo glad i all works, now!

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That’s what I meant in my post.

yes, i wasn’t sure i understood you, from the beginning.
that’s why i wrote what i saw in Ableton. but now, i see.