Multitracking with OB in poly mode

Hey fellow nauts, I’m currently trying to record some of my A4 pattern using OB, but this drives me crazy…

Imagine a simple sound on T1 with some overlapping notes due to longer decays. In order to avoid cut sounds, I run the A4 in polymode which works fine.

Now multitracking the A4 with OB, I actually expect that all sounds from T1 are routed into the same track in Live, no matter which DCO is used. But apparently it doesn’t work this way – notes from T1 being played with the DCO from another track appear in this other track in Live. If I’m not mistaken, the individual outs on the A4 behave the same way.

Do I miss something or does it really work this way?

that’s how it works.
you can record the master track to grab the poly as one file.


wow, surprised to hear this.

I assumed so far that the sound of a borrowed DCO is routed into the signal path of the triggering track, as filters, fx sends and all the other parameters are properly applied to it then. so does that mean that there is no routing going on but those parameters are applied on the fly in the track of the used DCO? that would actually make sense, never looked at it this way…

anyway, going for the master then works fine. many thanks!

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indeed, it’s briefly commandeering the extra track to its midi channel - summed oscillators into one voice filter would be different than each using their own filters and being summed afterwards - the beauty of teh A4 is in the myriad of ways of routing voices or oscillators and the poly is super flexible - it’s arguably advantageous as it is even though parts may jump across outputs - exactly the same at the outs on AK or AFMkii

so yeah, it’s a bit like a dynamic sound-lock happening seamlessly behind teh scenes

use track sounds is immense if you have slight variations across the voices


the more I understand this box, the more I realise how crazy it is :exploding_head: :star_struck:

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