Munro Sonic Egg monitors

Well :confounded:

the thing about these monitors is that the frustration and elation come from the same element… these monitors sound great and because of that the noise issues are very irritating… it’s like being at a picnic with great food but being pestered by mosquitos that are relentless…

The monitors I have just received were the last new set… not labeled ‘nearly new’ these were fresh…

the buzzing is still there, also the buzzing is still louder when touching the knob… I am grateful that I don’t have the issue some have had of the right monitor not projecting properly/ being imbalanced…
after using them all night and this morning, I don’t want to give them back, but I also don’t want to keep the issues…

even though this pair was new there were some nicks, small enough to be ignored but I take excellent care of anything music related, gear /instruments and it does bother me… however I am not surprised because the condition the shipping box came in was terrible , rips all over it and I even found a nail inside that did not come from the equipment …

I feel like I should send them to get them repaired, but I don’t want gear4music to do it and I don’t want to go through the hassle of sending them back and forth again from Los Angeles
guess I’m going to think about it for a couple more days.

now they have 6 used pairs on sale for $1711.00

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Received my amp back from Sedgewell and they’ve fixed all the noise issues, very minimal noise floor now, quieter than my Adam a7v in fact. Great customer service there. They sound so good.


Wait a minute, why did they let you send in your amp without the monitors?

Because it was just the EQ knob that wast busted

But how was that determined… I was told that everything had to go back to be fixed and calibrated just because of the same eQ issue

Have you been talking to Gear4Music or sedgewall?

Just out of curiosity, who did you deal with at sedgewall? I dealt with someone called Darren.

Someone called Shawn

Gear4music, I haven’t had mine fixed yet, I just replaced a faulty pair with a new pair that are also faulty, but during the process of figuring out what to do about the first faulty pair gear4music said that sedgwall needs to calibrate each pair individually so the whole system would need to go to them instead of just the amp

Same. Shawn. And I just took the amp, not the eggs.

Very strange, so maybe the calibration speak is just marketing

Thought I’d pop in with a little three month update.

I was one of the lucky ones who got one of the non-broken sets. I was a bit unhappy with the EQ knob at first, it’s still a bit vague, but it is better, maybe it just needed a few turns to bed in or something (or I’ve just got used to it).

Sound wise, fuck me. I’m still excited listening to them, the detail, especially the stereo image, is insane and the mids are super tight and punchy. I definitely feel like I’m missing a bit of the low end, but I feel like they make up for that with just how transparent they are in what low end is there. So much detail and the bass is crisp as fuck. There’s definitely enough low end information for me, it’s just not gonna rattle the windows, but then that’s not really what I bought them for, so I can’t really be mad at them for that.

It’s been a bit of a ballache fitting the amp on the desk, but I like having it there, even though I barely have any reason to touch it beyond turning it on. Still figuring out the perfect placement, but the recessed LEDs make it so easy to get the optimal position there’s no headaches trying out different setups.

Overall very happy, I’m much more confident mixing tracks and have cut out loads of fucking about related to not fully trusting my monitors.


Might be a bit off topic but I’ve just been given a pair of the original SE Munro Eggs + amplifier, but it needs some service. The amp doesn’t seem to work and I have one speaker that needs taking a look at + needs a recone. Sedgewell have said they can’t repair this as it’s not one of there’s but does anyone know of any companies that might be best to reach out to who might be able to service this? I’m based in London.

Maybe drop SE Electronics an email and see if there’s anything they can do, or fill out a support request on their website.