Munro Sonic Egg monitors

yes, that’s exactly my point. If you learn a speaker and its room, you can mix on almost anything unless the system really doesn’t provide the resolution/detail/freq spectrum that would allow you to pick up on the details (eg can’t mix bass on an avantone mixcube). But these do all of it, technically speaking they are excellent. They can most certainly be used for mixing - they are NOT hifi speakers which colour the sound to mask issues/make things “sound good” - that’s just not true / not an accurate assessment of them. I can tell you that much with confidence even after one hour of listening to them, certainly don’t need months for that. However, if you’re used to something else that has a different signature to these, then it would take time to acclimatise to these (or any other set) - and in such a transition phase, I can see how such a take could come about (every speaker is different, so differences to one’s habit will stick out then). Or if your particular hearing just doesn’t gel with a speaker (my example re Adams). Or if your main genre matches up with a particular profile/signature better than another. All these things affect preference, but it’s just not accurate to state that these are “hifi” / colour the sound / make stuff sound good. They sound good yes, but if your mix is shit, it will sound shit on these.

I’ve only had them a week, yes, and I’m still learning them, yes, and I can still tell you that they are most certainly a great tool for mixing if their signature fits your personal preference, room and genre.

It’s great that your friend is a pro, but really it doesn’t make his (seemingly passionate opinion as you point out yourself) any less personal. I know a few of the top engineers here in Berlin very well and have worked with them closely on different projects. One dude swears by his Genelecs and has only those in the control room of his multimillion dollar facility while the other one has a 100k midfield system in his control room but never uses it because “the only speakers he’ll ever mix on” are his 15 year old Mackie HR824s.

I’ve been fairly constrained in my assessment of the speakers, trying to avoid exactly that sort of hyped up honeymoon talk we often see here. I’ve pointed out clarity, stereo field, resolution, and the snappy transients on day one – you can see from the follow-up posts of others that I’m not the only one noticing those qualities, so no hyperbole there.

The deal was (sold out it seems) wonderful on top of that. Does everyone have to own these? no. Are they worth the spend for someone who’s in the market / willing to spend that much? easy yes.


The snappy, hyped transients is exactly why he didn’t like them but whatever I’m not going to argue about it.

I just shared an extremely valid counter opinion so people aren’t just reading positive reviews on here and emptying their wallets without knowing potential pitfalls.

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The eggs are beautiful ppl! Cmon!
They’re really good and precise sounding and at this price it’s a steal, believe me!
Read the reviews btw and you’ll see that everybody is praising them at the original price so… yeah; congrats to everyone who bought them!!!


I think you missed the bit where I said they smell like rubber jonnys.


Yeah I pointed that out originally as well, stated that they are almost “too snappy” - I think in a private msg to somebody I even told them that I found them so compact at first I got somewhat nauseous. The transient reproduction relaxed just enough after breaking them in though, so that now they are just super responsive (not hyped, big difference).

No idea why a counter anything is needed, no one is selling, no one is being tricked - but I do appreciate your take - even though I don’t buy the “extremely valid” part just because your guy is a pro engineer with strong preferences (not saying the preferences don’t have validity or weight, hence valuable, but still not authoritative). To say one can’t mix on them because they are hifi is flat out wrong, that’s what I addressed originally.

In my book I’m not arguing with you at all, just discussing as per the purpose of this forum.

Has anyone measured the stand they nest on? Curious if they fit my old stands. Guess I scored the last unopend one. :see_no_evil:


Thats true. I am a fan of your reviews. My takes from yours:

Large box, smells like ass, knobs a little squirrelly - Love it.

Screw you Sound on Sound.


Can we move the Egg discourse to a dedicated thread please?


You forgot ‘cables thiccck as fuccck’ and ‘frequency selector switch on the front of amp is shit’.

I am now a fan of Fin’s reviews too!


I have these. They’re great!

Yes please.

Glad someone finally plucked up the courage to say something.


How do I report a non-egg post?


I was too chicken.


Sorry everyone, I didn’t realize the Egg conversations were that egg-shausting. Personally I’m grateful as I would not have have known about their eggxistence and they are egg-xactly what I needed. But I totally get everyone is egghausted about it so I personally pledge not to speak of them anymore and not eggxacerbate the issue.


It’s scrambled the thread tbh


Omelette y’all off the hook and make my eggxit.


Whoever does the first Headhunter remix on these wins the future EGG thread (and internet…)


Waiting to hear the first album(in) mixed (scrambled?) with these