Music link in profile viewer broken

Why is the Music link in the profile viewer always broken?

Anyone else getting it to work?

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I created a Soundcloud but I cannot put it on the Elektronauts profile,
the save button is superimposed on the soundcloud module in the profile options … Anyone having the same problem?

Sorry, I searched but hadn’t seen this thread.
So for me the bug is on Firefox (win 10 and Android) and Edge (win 10).

Indeed. There’s nothing much that can be done, it’s on Discourse side I believe.
You can still put the SoundCloud account link in your bio, iirc.


Good question. I have clicked many profiles and all had this broken link. Also, I don’t see how could I add “Music” from my profile. Perhaps it is an option for users of a certain trust level?

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This is a different problem than the one reported by the op and would deserve different topic, if a mod feels like splitting it.

So yes, this can be seen at the end of the user profile preferences:


I couldn’t click the Soundcloud icon either. Looking at the page source, it seems to be provided by a Soundcloud plugin for Discourse that doesn’t seem to be public. In fact it is not even clear the icon is clickable even if the button wouldn’t be on top of it. Maybe this belongs to an unmaintained plugin that doesn’t work anymore?

Nowadays an equivalent and arguably better feature could be achieved through this theme component:

It covers Soundcloud as well as other platforms where elektronauts are likely to publish their music, like Bandcamp, Spotify, YouTube, Instagram… I have tested it in another Discourse instance and it works fine.

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It seems as if it‘s still broken in 2023…?

Why is it not possible to find such basic information (e.g. bandcamp page) on the profile page?
Or am I missing something obvious? :woozy_face:


Yeah, still seems broken.

Doesn’t seem to be a priority for the Elektron team… :joy:


Why include this feature at all if it never actually shows you someone’s music?


I clicked on your profile and there was a bandcamp link:

Strange, I never get anything when I click on anybody’s music in the two years since I first started coming here. Maybe my browsers both have an issue but it’s hard to know what that could be.


What does mine look like?

We’re too busy talking about gear to make music

I get that error when clicking my link too, maybe it’s Elektrons way of telling you to stop jiving to your own juices.


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I think that the ‘Music’ tag is a topic or something similar, rather than a call to action. Did we maybe select it as an ‘interest’ or something when signing up?

But I get the same with everybody’s music.

methinks it’s that part of the profile configuration where you put a link to your tunes.

It’s broken, has been forever.

There was a time when you could sort of link SoundCloud tracks to it, but it never really worked and it’s been borked for years.

I think what I’ve said is facts, but there’s a chance it’s complete bollocks too.


I’m going to get a tattoo of that.
true, or maybe not.


I need this as a forum signature

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