What if there was a generic digital hardware synth, for which you could describe in a short paragraph, how you want it to sound, and how you want it to react, and presto, you’ve got a new synth with that engine ?
We’ve seen recently how simple descriptions sent into AI machines can generate things that may go places you had not imagined.
There is a recent article in SynthAnatomy that wonders about this, referencing a newly released product using AI to generate guitar amplifier modelers. See in particular the second half of this two part article, that wonders about the general question.
Quoting from that article:
Will we soon see AI-powered synthesizers with built-in modeling technology that allows us to easily model/recreate any vintage or modern Synthesizer with a few clicks?
In addition there is a new synth coming with a built in wifi connection, made by a company with a lot of experience with high powered internet system design. ( thread )
The details on this new synth are rather sketchy at the moment but one article describes it as having : synthesis models – which are referred to as “machines”. ( Frankly i think this article is exaggerating, but no matter, there will be synths with this sort of capability soon enough. )
So it could be possible that this synth uses AI to generate synthesis models. If not this synth, then others soon will be.
I’m a little surprised actually that synths haven’t already been internet active, given that so much else is ( refrigerators, thermostats, etc ), and AI enhanced, especially considering the benefits available to a customizable data processing device, which is really what a hardware synth is at core.
Even an AI patch randomizer for particular synths would be good. And there actually is experimental software that will generate patch settings to allow your older conventional synth to best sound like a submitted sample.
So what do you think of this idea ? Would you like to use a synthesizer created with AI software ? Would you be interested in having a synth with customizable AI generated machines? What would you give as a prompt to this system for your own custom synth ? Do you have other ideas that go along with this approach ?
EDIT : Language was sharpened slightly in a couple places to clarify this post.
The thread’s fomer title was : AI Generated HW Synth Engines.