Music Theory: But rhythm basics

I have a couple of Music Theory books, and I feel like I’m learning the pitch stuff pretty well. I use mnemosyne, and I can always play intervals and chords on the A4 or on my guitar, which reinforces the learning. BUT I am failing to learn rhythm.

You see, with pitch I can play the note, and listen to it, and play another note, and hear the relationships. But with rhythm, without really understanding what a particular example of some note timing are supposed to sound like, I have a hard time playing them and checking my understanding.

Is there a good resource you know of that helps learn rythm, basics like 4/4, 2/4, 3/4, rests, triplets, different note lengths and how they combine to make well known rhythms? I guess it would have to be somewhat audio visual, as I have failed to learn from the books I have (The AB Guide To Music Theory being the one I am working through at present.) I find I’m skipping over the rhythm sections and focussing on the pitch stuff.

Thanks in advance

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I’ll give it a try. Thanks! (Apps for everything, what a time to be alive!)

This was recommended to me by a professional guitarist (originally from Germany) who spent some time in India for recording sessions and other gigs.


If you’re learning to read sheet music during your process you can always find a transcription for a piece and read along while listening to it. Make sure you have a note value chart handy for reference. I remember that type of exercise helping when I was first learning.
One way or another it’ll click for you. Rhythmic information is the more straightforward part. If you already figured out key signatures then time signatures should be a breeze. It’s all just fractions.

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Took me a second to grok that, but yes, that would be one way to tie the rhytm notation to what I hear.

I can imagine intervals of pitch in my head, but when I see triplets…I can’t tap my fingers to 'em (yet)

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Rhythmic dictation will help you get your ideas out of your head and into the sequencer. There are various apps for this but a basic knowledge of standard notation is required. Rhythm guitar is more intuitive.

The lessons lay things out really clearly for rhythm and pitch, but admittedly it does lean into pitch a bit more. Their pitch exercises are also really good. For rhythm exercise I do sometimes use but its limited.