Music with Sampler, Looper, Piano Chords... and Live Saxophone

I tried out some ways of playing music (performed in the rehearsal room, so to say) with a hardware setup and made a series of of video-songs out of it. Featured: samplers like the Digitakt and Analog Rytm, Loopers, some piano playing and lot of jazzy saxophone. This is part one:


Love it! The sax is killer, and I dig how fun it sounds. Keep it up mate. :upside_down_face:

Wow. Well done!

When you played the piano at the beginning, was there a click track? I could not hear it.

And the layering of the sax parts. Were they composed prior to the performance?

Keep up the good work!

Thanks! The Intro was free, no click, just acoustic piano playing. The three part saxophone section was arranged before and overdubbed after the main recording.

Thanks, Dave.

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Here is No.2, making extended use of the songmode:


This is part 3:

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Here is one more:

Last part of my little series:

Sounds great.the sax in particular.Which model?

Thnak you! It is a Selmer Super Sax with a Falcon prototype that looks and plays like a Otto Link.