Mute all

Never mind. I’m stoned.

Is there a mute all function I’m missing?

underneth your bowl, just next to your lighter

Ahhhhh, of course! Thanks man!

I so badly want a MUTE ALL bottom on the MD. Is there some sort of clever work around that I’m not aware of?

hold function while selecting the tracks to mute…then release function :wink:

I’ve also got to say that a quick drag of the finger across all 16 buttons is pretty rewarding and works well.
Alternately - master volume pot.

I have a better trick :

to Me, I 'm using the GLOBAL menu =>
You just have to choose one of the 8 global slots. In my case, I choose the number 4 for that.
Then, In global 4 you just have to set the outputs of every tracks to an output of the machine which is NOT used , output C for instance.
And after that , even when the sequencer is playing, you can alternate / switch between the GLOBAL 1 and GLOBAL 4 to UNMUTE/MUTE all tracks .

Works really good, whitoout earing a “click” or something like taht .

Hope it helps

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nice tip!!!