Mute not working after OS / Overbridge upgrade?

Hi guys

Any of you experience the same issue? I have just upgraded to the new OS and Overbridge. The way I use the Elektron is in an Ableton Drumrack (I prefer the push step sequencing). So the drums get triggered from the midi input / usb connecttion, not the internal sequencer,

Before the upgrade -> mute disables the sounds
After the upgrade -> sounds keep playing

This also goes for the sounds I trigger via the Elektron rfont panel (the numbered buttons). Anybody got an idea?

Problem persists after kit reload / reboot AR / reboot PC.

Anybody can test this setup or uses it in this way?
Should I make a bug report?

Maybe what you’re saying is that MIDI in was previously mutable using the internal Track-Trig mutes (note NOT sound mutes!) - and this behaviour has changed ?
There’s an incoming MIDI issue wrt retrigging at the moment, so maybe there’s a few gremlins here - if you’re confident it has changed then ask if it’s intended new behaviour for sure
Just be sure it’s not DAW related at source
I see using direct MIDI that the mute is not hiding incoming MIDI fwiw, may not be expected behaviour


Maybe what you’re saying is that MIDI in was previously mutable using the internal Track-Trig mutes (note NOT sound mutes!) - and this behaviour has changed ?
There’s an incoming MIDI issue wrt retrigging at the moment, so maybe there’s a few gremlins here - if you’re confident it has changed then ask if it’s intended new behaviour for sure
Just be sure it’s not DAW related at source
I see using direct MIDI that the mute is not hiding incoming MIDI fwiw, may not be expected behaviour[/quote]
True on the sounds; it’s indeed midi in not getting blocked. Better way to describe it when I make a support ticket.

Poked around in the midi setting and found a parameter called Mute Dest that can be set on Int / Ext / Int + Ext but sadly to no result…

And yeah, old projects are all affected, so pretty sure it isn’t DAW related…

For the record, this is from the release notes …

Notes played from Overbridge are no longer affected by track mute.

clearly intended behaviour - and also evidently, possibly, the case for midi too !

yes, the mutes are meant to be used just for muting the sequencer data. That is how i always thought Elektron had wanted it, since MIDI coming from outside played even with mutes being active. It actually makes sense if you think about it, and enables cool tricks when using int & ext sequencing simultaneously!

If you want the mutes to work for your OB use as well, you need to set PAD MUTE DEST to int+ext and midi map the DAW to mute the midi tracks upon receiving the ext pad mute MIDI commands from the AR.

The way Rytm responds to MIDI notes seems confused. With regular MIDI via the port, the trig page settings KEY, SYN SMP and ENV are applied, but with overbridge only KEY is respected, while SYN, SMP, and ENV are activated at all times, so you have to turn the volume down on your sample if you don’t want it to sound, rather than just turning off the SMP triggering. there doesn’t seem to be a way to not trigger the envelopes with overbridge. I’m not clear what the logic or intended use is behind these triggers all being set to on, it only reduces functionality.

Mutes are now inactive for both methods so at least that is consistent, although I found them pretty useful tbh. If you use max for live I have a mute patch that will allow you to use the Rytm mutes to mute incoming MIDI.

Ouch… I actually scanned though them prior to installing… Guess I missed that. Thanks for clearing it up though!

Yes, got it! That would be awesome!

If you could post the M4L patch that would be great, i have tried a couple of M4L mute patches already, but cant seem to get the RYTM to send on\off properly.

Many thanks, i will have a play with this later.

Issue is still open, since I am on 64bit windows… Thanks for posting though!

Elektron support asked for more clarification, but maybe they’ll come through later.


I asked the developers about it, and this is how the feature is supposed to work.
It was changed to harmonize with how external MIDI is not affected by the Track Mutes - since they in reality only control the tracks of the internal sequencer.

MIDI has worked this way since day 1 as far as I know, but Overbridge was different until 1.10.

Mutes might come in to play differently in Overbridge later though, seeing as our plan is to integrate the sequencer functions as well.


Simon M

So says Elektron support. So it was an Overbridge thing. Too bad, because it takes a bite out of my workflow.

Kinda liking the internal sequencer Rytm sequencer but still missing the 32 grid triggers it added. Guess I’ll see it as a puzzle to solve.

Thanks for the input though guys, appreciated.

+1 for bringing this functionality back.

Also thx to bin for the patch, but yes I am on 64 bit versions of everything, too.

I updated the device, should work on 32 or 64 bit and Windows now. Also the pads animate when MIDI passes thru.

@Bin - Awesome! Thanks so much!

A few things - can you clarify?

Does this work with midi sent from Live, or just internal sequences on the RYTM?

Also should the plug reflect the changes you make on the Rytm? It doesn’t in my case.

I don’t think I have it setup right. Can you explain usage maybe?

It can do either. If the Link to Rytm is active then the device mirrors the Rytm, in which case both incoming and internal MIDI will be muted when you change a mute pad on the device, or the Rytm. when it’s not active, the device only mutes midi notes passing thru it, and doesn’t link to the Rytm’s mutes, which will affect only the internal sequence.
You need to set the imp.midi ports correctly, to whatever in and out you are using to connect the Rytm, DIN or USB.
This should work across platforms, but I’ve only tested it on 32 bit Live, OSX 10.9.5
Also there is a problem with Windows, because the device will have to use ports that aren’t activated in Live. This is a Windows MIDI limitation apparently. So Link mode might not work with Windows, but unlinked should work.
If it doesn’t work tell me your platform, and right click, select Max window, and tell me any error messages.


If it doesn’t work tell me your platform, and right click, select Max window, and tell me any error messages.

It doesn’t seem to be linking.

I set the midi to USB.

Live 9.6 64bit, OSX 10.11.3, Max Version 7.2.0 (64-bit)

I can click in the plugin itself and that will make the mutes turn on/off on the RYTM, but not the other way round. It also only seems to effect the internal sequence not midi clips rom Live.

Opening the max console says this:

#N: extra arguments for message “funnel”

make sure yr rytm is set to MIDI CONFIG > MIDI PORT CONFIG > PAD DEST = INT + EXT

The notes the device mutes are C-2 to B-1, i.e. the lowest 12 midi notes, is that what you’re sending to the device?

the funnel error probably isn’t relevant , I fixed in anyway in v1.4.

Cool. The notes thing helped - I was sending higher notes.

Now I can mute a live midi clip from the m4l device - it shows that on the Rytm, but not the other way round. I can’t hit the pads on the Rytm and mute the tracks.

PAD DEST is set as you describe.