Mute tails in Track mute

Hey Everyone !

It there a way to completely mute Tracks in A4 when using [FUNC + Track] just like the same behavior when pressing stop button 2 time where all the tails will mute instantly ?

So for example I have a long release on amp section and whenever I mute my track the sound goes to release part and I have to wait until everything become silent … is there a way to make it silent just the moment I mute the track ?

Thanks in advance ! still a newbe on Elektron’s beautiful world … so much fun to hang around in this community where you can learn and learn … cheers to everyone <3

Don’t think there’s a simple way except to use a parameter lock to reduce envelope times/ values
Maybe use a fill conditional type ( so you hold fill and when that trig is played itd kill the envelope)

Or hold down a note with zero velocity to use the lack of polyphony to kill the audio


Indeed, Track Mutes are Sequencer ‘Mutes’ … double Stop kills everything … there’s no onboard catering for your specific request, so you are left with finding workarounds as above or exploiting (to a partial degree) the individual outs (these are voice based as opposed to Track based, although typically they’re aligned)

The A4 has Macros of course and if you have a Mk2 you have Control/CV options to manage voice levels - and using MIDI ‘macros’ might be a better option if you are chasing this functionality

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