Mute tracks in song mode

hi there
on song mode i can only mute/unmute FX tracks in mutes parameters anyone knows how to switch between FX tracks and regular ones?

Its a bug, i wrote it into the bugs thread, have a look how it works.

there is no bug:
you can mute the track 1-12 AND the track FX
there are no FX or regular tracks, just 12 tracks AND an FX track

In fiddling around I encountered a minor bug where the FX track mute got “stuck” (I couldn’t mute or unmute it, it was stuck to ON when song mode was on), but turning the machine off and on again fixed it.

Groundman’s right—the FX track and the 12 other tracks mute and unmute as 13 different sequencer tracks. The FX track mute only affects the sequencer, not the filter/drive/delay/reverb/etc of the FX block.

Could you describe more what you’re expecting vs what’s happening?

i missunderstood the graphic sorry it’s more clear now
sorry for the topic