Mutes in song mode from A4 to DT

Hi there,

I figured out muting tracks on the DT from the A4 while playing the pattern. When I put the A4 in song mode and put a mute on the track from the A4 I would like to be muted on the DT it doesn’t work.

any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch!

Bumping this.

I’m going from Rytm (master) to DN (slave) and having same issues.

Pattern mode works no problem, however in song mode no dice.


I ended up programming the mutes the same on both machines.

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how do you mute DT tracks from the A4?

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okay, this thread is a bit old but I think I’m having the same issue described here - so I’ll revive it - I think I’ve solved it but I don’t like how I did it, and this is due to how song mode works.
I’m controlling my model:cycles with the DT, via the global/green mutes - one midi track controls one track on the M:C. All the trigs are programmed on the M:C, it just does makes sense because I can retain sound and preset locks, play around with trigs and knobs live on the same interface. I use the DT just to mute the tracks.

The problem comes with song mode: I’d like to automate the mutes on the M:C too - however, song mode works with the pattern/purple mutes and not the green/global ones, so if I activate all the green ones the M:C will start to play, vice versa if I deactivate them.

Solution is to use the DT to program all the trigs and empty the tracks on M:C - now I can activate all the global mutes and song mode will work with the pattern ones. But in doing so I lose sound, preset locks and that immediacy I like during a live performance.
Why can’t we use global mutes on song mode ?