First up sorry for the rash of posts of late, recent purchase.
I have the AR set up to send clock and transport, the A4 set up to receive clock and transport. I don’t even have program chage messages being sent (yet.)
When I hit mute on T1 on the AR it muted T1 on the A4. I didn’t want that. I checked the config, AR is not sending note data, nor PC…so what is it sending that mutes that track, Transport?
When I hit mute on T9(!) on the AR it muted T3 on my A4 (wut?!) is that expected?
Any help on how to set this up so that muting on the AR does not mute on the A4, ulimtately I want PC and Transport and Clock send.
Is it a case of configuring the AR to only send on the channel for such control messages, and not send on the individual track channels at all?