Muting track fast

I don’t like too much the way of muting tracks using the MachineDrum: opening the mute window and then muting. Is there any shortcut I am missing?

No, except using a controller.

Ok, thank you!

Btw, I’d suggest to use the “No” button to get out of mute mode, for some blind action. No, No, No, no matter if you’re in mute mode or not, get’s you to the standard layout. Pressing No, No, No, Shift-Mute, gets you into mute mode, no matter where you’ve been before (or maybe a 4th No). If you’re using Shift-Mute to leave mute mode, you have to think more about where you currently are, because it switches mute on and off and on and off.

Furthermore, I was staying out of mute mode most of the time, then just quickly press Shift-Mute and the trig buttons to be muted, and No again. Quick track selection is the most important button combo in my opinion, that’s the reason. Jump to the hihat, reduce the filter, jump to the clap, increase delay.

For more complex/convenient workflows, I was using iPad Lemur as a Midi converter (Machinedrum Morphor template or a private template that just converts Midi signals from 8 tracks to control the MD’s 16 tracks, while having some tracks grouped together).

However, while the MD and the other elektron devices are such great devices, stuff like that can be achieved much more easily on other devices… that’s the price for a lot of flexibility in a small package.

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