My 3 favourite features of the Digitone's LFOs (Video)

Hello! I suspect for many here this might be an exercise in egg-sucking, but I’ve just posted a video covering 3 features of the Digitone’s LFOs that I really like along with suggestions of how to make use of those features. Hopefully there’ll be some tips in here that you find useful! Cheers!


Did you feel like sharing those 3 features for those of us that don’t have time for a 20 minute video? :slight_smile:

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Varied destinations
The hold mode to bring variation and movement to sequences
Using them as envelopes

The video gives examples of how to set up and use them in patches. It’s hopefully more of a tutorial than an actual top-3 thought piece. Sorry about the long video.


All good, thanks for the breakdown, saved me 20 minutes :slight_smile:

Very good LFO video, thats the last “page” for me to grasp on digitone, inspiring and good examples!
(liked your MIDI vid also, good stuff!)


Glad to help! There are a few elements I didn’t mention in the video that are worth exploring (like free running LFOs vs the mode that always starts in the same place - worth comparing those two in most patches, especially when tempo sync is important)… Just get in there and have a play!


Really like your channel - wish you would do another video with digitone sequencing outside gear.

Thank you! I’m planning to do one pretty soon - hopefully involving the DeepMind.


Great video! This is very inspiring. The Digitone is a sound designer’s dream :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Been using mine for a lot of glassy sounding plucks. Now I have some cool LFO ideas to try!

Thanks for the vid!

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The Volca FM series of videos is damn good. Thanks to @OscillatorSink !

Wish I had a digitone so I could enjoy this one. :smiley:


Fantastic video- Learned several new tricks. Thank you!


I’m late to the party but I just realized I can make an LFO modulate an LFO. :exploding_head:

And after a short search find this video…

The more I play with this thing, the more I love it.
Felt pretty obtuse at first.