My Band's Debut Album - Electro SwaggerPop (on vinyl!) - Hog Wyld - WYLD

Hello one and all.

A few years ago a friend and I started a wee side project to make a bunch of songs while he was staying at my house in between houses. Over the course of a week we recorded an EP using a bunch of different synths, guitar, bass, and some programmed drums. We didn’t think much of it, but it turns out we sounded like a real band even without a drummer, as we started getting offered gigs.

Fast forward to now, and we’ve got a real band, complete with a drummer, and just released our debut album. WYLD is a collection of 10 tracks that mix fizzy 90s guitar sounds with a tinge of electronica… It’s a combination that I like a lot, so hopefully it’ll be of interest to some folks here.

You can listen to the album on Spotify etc… Or find it on our Bandcamp.

We had a limited number pressed on rather fetching orange in a beautiful double gatefold, which I’m rather chuffed with. Have a swatch. Thanks for listening/buying!