My Digitone only live set - (Megadrive soundtrack style)

Dear Elektronauts. I hope you’re all good out there.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been hard at work with a whole new Digitone only set. Today I felt I was ready enough to perform and record the set, and present it to the world. I hope you enjoy…

The whole idea behind the set was to compose it as if it was a whole game soundtrack for an imaginary Sega Megadrive (Genesis) game. The Megadrive was the platform were my synthesizer genes were formed for real. I made so many mix tapes with Megadrive game music. And it probably influenced me more than I realise.

Please have a listen. I hope you enjoy :smiley:
And if there’s anything you’re wondering about, please fire away in the comments.

:space_invader: :blue_heart:


I love it!
Please keep your good vibes!

Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you so much :heart:

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Lovely stuff :sunglasses:


This is great! Will you be releasing any sound packs based on this set?

I can trace my love of electronic music back to the Sonic 1 soundtrack – I don’t think a week goes by that I don’t catch myself humming one of the songs.

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Thanks! Most of the sounds in this set are based on my Digitone pack 2. A few from my pack 1 and some specific sounds for some of the tracks… But they’re all slightly adjusted to fit each mix and song. I also created a new clap that I was particularly fond of that’s on my Patreon for now.


This is great! I have one of these ‘7 hrs of megadrive music’ youtube videos on regular rotation and this fits right in. :+1:

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So sick! I’m feeling this. :robot: :robot: :robot:


Will you sell this on your site or Bandcamp?

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I love seeing others influenced by video-game music so much. I especially love FM and had a Genesis (US) at the perfect time as a kid.
Cool to hear this!

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Love this all day long and twice on Sundays! Such beautiful 2612 vibes. It’s going to keep me going at work for weeks. I can’t thank you enough for sharing.

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I love this concept!!! Visualization is a huge part of my music making process and using the Mega Drive (Genesis on this side of the pond) is badass!

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Very cool! Your enthusiasm is downright infectious


This brought back memories of a game I never played. Amazing and fun journey. :heart:


Incredible set, very well done! The faster paced songs really slap and the slow ones are gorgeous!

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Thank you so much for your lovely response. I’m so glad to hear it’s not just me who likes this music :heart::heart::heart:


Cuckoo great to hear from you again! You are the internets serotinine. :sunny:
Lovely set, instant 80’s, well done.

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