My first Ep - Wounds

Very happy to share here my first proper Ep, released by myself on bandcamp.

Wounds EP | V E Я T E X

Machinedrum always present. Other instruments, if you’re curious, are Nord modular G2 and Korg MS-20m.

Not a fan of labelling genres, but I guess it could fall under the category idm and techno.


(edit: update link as I can’t get bandcamp embed player to work)
(edit: I got the player showing, for some reason the code provided by bandcamp didn’t work. Weird)


If you click on the Share link and copy it, you can then paste it in your post window and have the Bandcamp player.

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Tried, but the “Share / Embed” link gives me either a link (the one I ended using) or a bit of html code which is supposed to create an iframe element for the player…using that I just see the border, but no actual player. Maybe that is some restriction of my browser.

I’ve edited my first post to accomodate the player but there is definitely something wrong…the resulting html code is not what it is supposed to be. It’s weird, I see a lot of embeded bandcamp player here.

Great tracks on here!
I really enjoyed it.
I like that it’s hard to define it with a genera.
Fantastic mix, now I’m following on bandcamp.

It would be interesting to see the instrument breakdowns for the tracks.
I like how spacious it is letting a lot of the sounds be highlighted.
Simple but really effective bass etc.

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Are you clicking on the one in the URL bar like on the picture in my 1st post?

Of all of my browser, I get that button only on Chrome. I’m am on a pc, it looks like your screenshot is from a phone? Anyway, I tried using it, it is slightly better, but still no player. :confused:

edit: sorry you’re right! I still don’t see the player in the post preview, but now it is there. Thank you!

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Hey, thank you @bodymechanics!

The mix took me A LOT of time, but I’m a happy with the result.
Also, the mastering engineer did a great job. :loud_sound:

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Solid work @ram, listened to the whole thing. Even though it isn’t quite my cup of tea as far as style, I enjoyed it a lot and I can appreciate the craftsmanship.

My only criticism, and this is entirely subjective: too much text on the Bandcamp page. The sounds speak for themselves just fine and the words can limit what other people will perceive in your music.

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Thanks @Joe_b, I appreciate your thoughts.