My first (successful) live set (at home)

Been getting on very well with my Model:Cycles this last couple of weeks.
So well in fact that we’ve made this little live set together, just the two of us.

I’d normally post this in the M:C only thread, but I felt like showing off.

All criticisms gratefully received.


That part from 9:30ish onwards is right up my alley. :ok_hand:

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That’s a great achievement on the MC!

What I like the most about it:

  • the variety in the melodic department,
  • the rhythmic variations on the kick.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • modify the drum sounds more (HH; CP),
  • layer the wild kick patterns with a 2nd, straight kick,
  • change the pattern order to build up tension during the set.

Your MC material would really benefit from a second, straight-forward drum machine, perfect material for layering, but you can also continue just with the MC, that’s cool too.

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Somebody knows their way around a model cycles…

Enjoyed it. I think maybe another sound source or 2 would have been nice (just to add a different texture/flavour), but that’s just a thought and not something that is really needed.

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I think that’s my favourite bit.

It’s funny, I went into this last weekend thinking I’d be short on melodic resources, but you’re right, it’s the drums that need a bit extra.

That’s exactly the plan. Cobalt 8m and probably Digitakt.

But for getting people moving, should dancefloors ever reopen, M:C is enough.

Thanks for the feedback folks, very much appreciated, thanks for listening.

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Do you know, the muscle memory isn’t quite there yet, I’m still looking for the YES and NO buttons. Didn’t even use fills yet, still building up the confidence with it.
I’d say my sound design skills with it still out weight the performance skills.

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Well I can’t wait to listen to your next track :slight_smile:
I tend to listen through crappy speakers first in general just to get a feeling. Then quickly listen to it “properly”.
But it sounds damn good on crappy speakers.
Like the melodic variety, kick and overall atmosphere. Nice tonal movement on the kick.
Well done on 1 machine :slight_smile:

Edit: not sure why but it sounds/tastes like modular techno to my ears :slight_smile: Nice

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Kick/cymbal at the start are fabulous!! I find the lead entering around 1:20 less convincing - lacking a bit of character? Or maybe make it a bass line? Maybe consider a bit of sonic/fx/filter variation (very subtly) as the track progresses? The second, organ-style lead also seems to lack a bit of affirmation to my taste - it sounds rather shy to my ears, but maybe this is your intent ? The later bassline is nice, but also very harmonic and repetitive; it could benefit from some less predictable intervals and a bit of variation, I think. The part from the start of the claps flows extremely well, I love the section when the arp comes in (though it sounds a bit weird when the bassline suddenly disappears). Arp and drums work very well together, I like this part (around 14:00). Less convinced sound-wise when the lead comes back in (from 17:40) - it sounds a bit weak/passive/hollow/resignated (sound+melody), and I am not quite sure where you want to go with it… to me it does not match up with the lively and quite energetic arp pattern. In a nutshell: I very much liked listening to your recording (and please bear in mind that it is always easy to point out sections for improvement). Overall, there are a lot of very good passages, but I also think that the overalll performance would benefit if the underlying intention or story/journey that you wish to convey to your audience became clearer.
All the best!!

PS: Edit, after another listening: I would also recommend a bit of syncopation/less “straight” timing for the melodic parts in order to make them a bit more surprising for listeners.

PPS: I appreciate that you take your time before bringing the various sections in.

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I’m about 1min in so far and have to say BIG UPS !!!

I LOVE one machine livesets. Huge respect. I will edit this later with more listening experience, but for real … you’re a force :black_heart: :purple_heart: :black_heart:

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Opening section is the strongest part.
It has a depth to it that isnt there for the rest of the set.

I would have liked to hear more material like that in subsequent patterns. I didnt really gel with the straighter more predicable phrases.

Overall, sonically, you have your own sound and it is a good sound. I can hear you are still developing and learning the machine. Keep doing what you are doing. I reckon if you focus on the cycles (dont bother with a second source) you will quickly master the ‘get from this pattern to the next one smoothly’ thing.

Top tip from my old electribe days , theres nothing wrong with writing a blank pattern so you can use it as a space to fill with FX swells and envelope tails before introducing the next pattern.

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That’s because modular is mostly just an expensive way of making FM sounds. :wink:
Thanks for the feedback.

@ccr thanks for the detailed feedback, I really do appreciate it, it will definitely make me a better musician.

I never really appreciated the format until necessity and the M:C forced my hand. Thanks for listening.

@Microtribe thanks. The hope with banging this together was to get it out there and use it as a base for more detailed/complex pattern building as I get more muscle memory and confidence with the M:C. I only get a couple of hours a week with it, so it can be hard to maintain discipline and not just noodle. Gaining valuable feedback gives me points to work on and a bit more purpose when I do pick up the M:C, in turn making my output better, so thanks again.

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Reminded me a bit of Knight Rider. But thats a good thing as its a legend. I think your onto something here. I see what you mean about your love for 180bpm now :slight_smile:


Only 140bpm, bloody slow jams mate.

I would totally dance to this in a club


fun , id dance to this


Very nice! And the Cycles sounds so good, I´ll take one if Elektron makes multitrack USB for it.

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Thanks, that was my mindset throughout making it, focusing on how it will work in a club first and foremost.

To be fair to it, I think there’s just enough versatility within the sound engine to get by without multiple outputs, but it would of course be a nice addition.

Thanks for listening all.

It´s because I like doing some adjustments on level after recording, always there is something that is too loud for me but having a unique stereo output can be a good way to improve and commit.

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That’s the best way of working with it. Just put something together and play the little bastard. Full commitment.

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i enjoyed the set @Fin25, i would say maybe a bit more variations to the kick/hats but overall, considering it’s been done with just the M:C it does sound good, would probably play well on a nice PA too :smiley_cat:

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