My guess ….new machine not until NAMM 2014

So I guess “very soon” translated from Swedish means something different in the USA. I guess taking a page from Waldorf for the Pulse2’s one and a half -year launch. I guess we’ll have to wait till NAMM to find out what’s under the damn box.

To me, “very soon” means next week. That was 3 weeks ago.

I must have missed it, did they say a new machine was on the way?

Yep, the hype machine has officially fallen on it’s face. And the timing, being the peak shopping season of the entire year, is terrible. Other products are being released, and still, nobody even knows what is coming from Elektron. “Should I wait? Should I save my money? Or should I go ahead and buy a _____? I’m tired of waiting!”

The saving grace is the fact that you know the machine, whatever it may be, is going to be another mind blower. Assuming it’s a machine like a synth, and not a glorified ‘mixer’, and assuming that it doesn’t use a CF card like the OT. :thinking:

Doesn’t really matter anyway, being an early adopter for an Elektron product is not an ideal experience. Whatever it is, no matter how awesome I think it is I’ll be waiting at the very least 1 year. I’d like to thank the early adopters in advance though for all the bug reports they’ll be submitting, and for their invaluable feedback on any build problems. Thanks!

Gotta update this…

Elektron came through for me and I got my AK.

I can’t front. She’s really nice. :+1: :+1:

I mean, reeeeaally nice. :heart:

They didn’t say “very soon”, they said “very very soon”. Anyways, I think they should at least let us know what the thing is and work on the bugs or whatever they are doing until NAMM. Come on elektron, be a company of your word! you said you would reveal “very very soon” more than month ago.

Meanwhile, I’m steady GASing for one of these:

I will have to catch Elektron on the next go round.

For whatever it’s worth…

When Daniel from Elektron was at my studio last week I asked him what? and when? No answer to what but he said NAMM is when we’d find out.

NAMM is only a month away. Are you guys really that jonesed to drop ~$1.2K on anything?

:wink: YES

I got to play with one, it’s great. But its sad to see they were not very generous with knobs. The interface is more like a pulse 2 now.

Yeah, I got the flaky paint treatment too. Still can’t figure out why they didn’t go for the OT finish, doesn’t make any sense to me (other than cutting corners to keep the price low). But I’m over this issue, covered the chipped areas with a black marker and forgot about it. I’m more busy enjoying the thing than anything else really. Can’t wait for the new OS to be released.

Jan 23-26 is two months after Jon said “very very soon” - that’s a pretty fucked up notion of “very very soon” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unless there was some kind of unexpected delay. Though announcing at NAMM makes sense. Meh, once my MnM arrives I won’t have room for it anyway (unless it’s just so bad ass I need to make room heh)

Hardware manufacturers need to be mindful that software laptop gear is better and better all the time. What I can do with Maschine and Komplete, well I don’t know because its huger than I could ever cover. No hardware gets anywhere near that.

Hardware works for me if its quality, it keeps things simple and doesn’t self destruct with bugs. Its also an irrational purchase - I don’t need it - so surprise announcements and the interface beats software for ease of use is important. Elektron more than anyone else has done this in the past. Its a history of great products to live up to. Good luck Elektron!


Yeah, I got the flaky paint treatment too. Still can’t figure out why they didn’t go for the OT finish, doesn’t make any sense to me (other than cutting corners to keep the price low). But I’m over this issue, covered the chipped areas with a black marker and forgot about it. I’m more busy enjoying the thing than anything else really. Can’t wait for the new OS to be released. [/quote]
You forgot they actually raised prices in the name of something-something instead.

For almost 2k you can have better interface. Like that:

Hardware will still work in ten years from now on. Software won’t. If you want to stay updated, you constantly need to purchased more and newer computer and also buy the updates. An A4, though less features, will still work in 2024. NI Maschine or Arturia Spark won’t, if you dont freeze the computer setup for it.

I love hardware but:
This isn’t necessarily true. This only happens if you update your software, if you don’t change the OS or software version then there is no reason to believe it will suddenly become incompatible. Although your argument might make sense with some analogue gear, when it comes to digital machines, like most Elektron box, they are essentially computers running software. If you want an update, you need to download software or pay for new hardware. I really don’t see the difference except that a PC is much cheaper and easier to update.
At that point it just comes down to the quality of your PC hardware. There are definitely people running PCs and software far older than 10 years old. Chromeo for example, use ancient midi software.


sure, you can opt to stop updating your computer OS, or demote a laptop to pure Maschine/Push service, but lol tbh.

Yeah if your using you computer for things other than music then not updating is a problem. But in that case you can’t really compare it to dedicated music hardware and say it’s less future proof etc. Because you don’t try install Spotify on your fricken Octatrack. I do know plenty of people who have a separate music computer from their email/porno machine. I had a fully dedicated music PC that never even connected to the internet. I just sold that to buy an OT, which I saw as a pretty direct comparison. An OT is basically the same as a laptop ‘demoted’ to pure Machine/Push duty, just the laptop is not in the same box as it’s controller.
I just think it’s all perspective and marketing positioning. What is the difference between a piece of hardware with an old OS on, and a dedicated music laptop with an old OS on? The reality of having to update software/hardware to keep up is the same for both, people just don’t bother/can’t update their dedicated hardware machines.
I must admit that OS manufacturers do make it difficult to avoid updating if you want to use your computer for multi purposes, but if your running a dedicated music machine then just like with your hardware instruments, you need to understand it has limited power and there’s only so far you can update it. This is exactly the same for hardware instruments.