My juggling performances

This juggling is taking over my gearlust. Still love my A4II and AHII, but I bought these juggling balls years ago and will not need anything else any time soon.



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Top skills!

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Wow! I like your style. :star_struck:

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thank you all for the positivity! :blue_heart:

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Love it - I see this as an opportunity to combine skills!

Imagine choreographing a sick juggling routine to your A4 bangers! Get those kids on their feet :grin:

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Thank you!
yes, and no
a lot of possibilities, but it’s so nice not to have any technology in this

although… I love this (legendary) juggling act. The juggler uses a wooden triangle. I think I can make something my juggling balls bounce on, that is connected to my a4. More or less like a midi piano, but with beats. But… maybe contact juggling one ball inspires me more than creating more than making things more complex.



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That was great, so relaxing to watch


Very nice!

Been doing juggling also for some years as somewhat of an arm/brain exercise.

I like the cleanliness and slowish (?) tempo of your patterns. I always tend to go very fast.

What‘s really cool though is the way you combine throws with contact juggling, I should practice that a little too!

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Top control. Thanks for posting! Very entertaining.



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what kind of juggling balls are those? could you post a link?

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Lovely!! Your skills, the expression on your face, the music and Netherlands.
I`m looking forward to get to Texel with my kids and wife in 4 weeks. With an occasional solo trip to alkmaar for the weeds and a half-day-long visit of my favourite 2nd hand vinyl store ( to dig deeeep :slight_smile:

thanks for sharing wouzer!

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Ball-type: PlaySil-X78mm

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Short about me and my juggling, I think I want to share this because of the many positive reactions.

I juggle for about 30 years now. Always on my own, at home. Always for myself, for my concentration, to deal with the ‘issue’ that I like to move and can’t sit still anyway. No serious issues here, but what I want to say is that it’s just good for me. It makes me strong, fit, focussed and most important, happy!

Only 4 y ago, I was on stage for the first time. It was good for me to create some kind of end product. It brought me to another level. Also I learned a lot about performing. Creating different types of dynamics in my performance, like fast, slow, still, etc.

Performing still feels like climbing a mountain, being afraid of all tricks to come. But there is a lot of acceptance from me and from the audience to fail. I do less difficult tricks on stage, it’s more about the dynamics than it is about the difficulty. People don’t see the difficulty anyway.

For me, for my wife, for my children, for my neighborhood, for my friends, it’s all normal. I juggle a lot, they just let me juggle and don’t care. So it’s really amazing to read all these positive reactions, and it’s also a little weird, but good!

There are 2 things I learned from juggling. I think these things might also fit to making music with musicboxes:
1) Psychology of Flow by Mihály Csíkszentmihály
If what you do is too difficult, you get frustrated, you will loose your flow
if what you do is too easy, you get bored, you will loose your flow.
Find the sweetspot in the middle. Since that sweetspot is not the same all the time (might be different after a night partying with my friends and then juggle the next morning). Searching for the sweetspot doesn’t only give you flow, it also connects you to your current state. Next to this, the reason I juggle pretty well, is because I juggle for 30 years. The only reason to continue, is to love it. The reason people around me stop juggling, is because they try too difficult tricks, because they think it’s the only next step they can make. They loose FLOW!
2 As you can see in the performance, I do a lot of 1 ball tricks. I slowly find out, the world around 1 ball is as big as the world around 3 or 5 balls. You can do so much with it to create tention and detention, to make people wonder and to do a crazy difficult tricks (the one at 1:04 minute in the video is a trick I tried about 10 times a day for years). I think because of this, I changed from a music studio full of equipment, to an analog four analog heat guitar and looper.



@wouzer Great stuff man! Love it!

Very cool - I’ve don’t a fair amount of work with circus performers through my theatre work and I’ve grown a real appreciation for juggling. So much beauty there and so many metaphors about humanity contained in just a few balls/clubs. And it’s always nice to see a Michael Moschen video shared.

FYI there’s a juggler named Jay Gilligan who hangs out on the lines/monome forum who does performances that integrate juggling and their electronic music practice.

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His tedx Helsinki is pretty well known, I didn’t’t know this guy, only this ted.
funny to see his videos about teenage engineering tx6,

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