My latency work around in Logic X


I’ve recently picked an Analog Four and like a lot of other people i seem to be having big latency issues!

After messing around with ideas for a few hours i’ve found a way to have the synth running in time with logic… figured some of you might like to know what works for me :slight_smile:

1- Open the Overbridge plugin

2- Set it so there is no output

3- Set up an external instrument (found in utility) and select elektron analog four and which channel you want to send midi to… set up more to use the other 3 channels.

4- Use the outputs on the machine rather then the USB recordings and set up an audio channel for this output!

TADA! you can send midi to your tracks and still be able to automate/total recall your machine with the plugin open!

The only negative about this work around is not being able to have your synth going through separate channels… but if you’re like me and don’t mind to much then i hope this trick works for you too!

Nice one!


I just picked up the “Analog Keys”. This is my first Analog keyboard to use with Logic X. I usually print my songs in real time through a “Great RIver” mixer for some transformer goodness. I’d like to run the elektron through this mixer as well so I really like your idea of using the analog outs of the Elektron for no latency!!

I really could use any help you can offer about how to setup this Elektron with logic x. Could you please be specific about where these menus are found. I am reading through the manual & can’t find the utility menu you mention.

I am super new to using Midi & external audio devices & will really appreciate any tips and or settings you can send my way to accomplish using these 2 together without latency.

Thank you very much!!


I’m not using Logic X at present for making music, I recently brought a Cirklon instead. (I had an Octatrack before that which is now up for sale in the marketplace as I needed to control than 8 MIDI output channels at any one time) I wanted all indivdual audio tracks recorded also.

The Cirklon now sequences everything for me MIDI wise (RYTM + VIRUS TI2 + Sub37) without any latency. Timing is tight and I can still control the units via instrument defs. I took Logic right out of the mix because of these type of issues. It could be the Overbridge to be honest though, I hear the Virus TI software is the same although have not really tested that yet because of the Cirk. I have not tried my Moog Sub37 software yet.

The opinion I read on here was the overbridge software needed an update to make it run in sync with Logic. I made a support ticket when I first had sync issues with the RYTM, at the end of the day all they could say was it was a Logic issue, not sure about Live but I have also seen some posts regarding sync issues with Live and with Cubase today so maybe they have issues also. I don’t know for certain what is causing it.

If Overbridge worked maybe it would be great, but then I would also run the TI software via USB so i’m not sure how much bandwidth I would need running both at same time or if it would work. My imac is latest version, clocked at over 4GHz but everything was a major headache back then so I left it right there after weeks of frustration.

The USB thing frustrated me immensely, timing issues are common issue between PC/MAC and outboard gear such as the RYTM and it’s many channels. The reason for USB is many channels at once and cutting out the audio interface. The major issue then is getting everything tight with a computer sequencer and that is pretty difficult from what I gather.

For me now, all I need is a big mixer that can take all the individual audio channels from the RYTM, Virus TI2 + Sub37 at one time and record them instantly into Logic (the only time I probably need to use it)

I’m open to look at it again but would love to know other people’s thoughts on this as it is a bit of an issue - is it still a major issue now?