My new Rytm + OT Lap synth

My wife likes it when I am in the same room with her, at times. So… here is my new couch lap groovebox. I have a portable power supply for the Rytm tucked underneath. Just needing to track down a portable power supply for the OT.

My time is very limited also, so this will ride in the car with me for my cumulative 1 hour of breaks at work. It seems overkill maybe, but I usually need more than 8 tracks in a project and I mostly make projects 80% done before bouncing to DAW. I want to be able to use my time to the fullest and actually make progress on projects.


What portable power supply are you using?

OXA 30000 mah.

lasts a long time… 4-5 hours, probably more…

Nice. Thank you!

OXA 30000 mah.

lasts a long time… 4-5 hours, probably more…[/quote]
I’m using that same battery. It works great and is very high quality. A charge lasts many hours.