My tantrum with the knobs

tl;dr I’m complaining

Suddenly 3 of the MD knobs are acting crazy, skipping randomly in either direction when I turn them. I have treated them like a baby and they have never been roughly handled or knocked. But those damn controllers have never felt firm and strong. This is a 2013 MD-UW whereas my 2009 MD or MM are smoother to turn. They also work fine but they are still delicate. The controllers are just not good enough. My circuit and Maschine knobs are strong, you can hold them firmly and they don’t rock side to side.

After all these years, Elektron never inproved the knobs.

tl;dr I replaced the encoders!

Finally did something about this. Elektron support were great and posted 9 encoders. Its fiddly and you need the right soldering iron but you can snip wires and desolder the encoders. I removed all of them, it seems easier to do them all rather than try to get one out without risking damage to the good encoders. It’s not easy but it can be done. I got a few side cutter scratches on the top PCB surface. No biggie.

Soldering in the new encoders was a snap. Now everything is better than it was when I bought it new and unopened. I’m starting a new snapshot to celebrate.

So happy! Thanks Elektron and please consider another digital machine in the future. And silver of course.