Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

I hot glued them. Peels right off. There were four dishes, four speakers and four freezers and a function generator with 16 channels (I used 4 of the channels set to different tones). Took me almost six days to do it all.

I said there were 48 samples, I should have said 48 results. There were 96 samples from 2 trials that produced the same results.

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The second […] is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium 133 atom, to be 9192631770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s^−1.

We could define a second as we want. A second is nothing naturally given. It’s a definition we made. So the simple mystical value of 432 Hz is total nonsense. If we had defined a second different this mystical frequency might have been 6.729561 Hz or a frequency of an infinite rational number.

Also if we go from the historical definition of a second beeing a 1⁄86400 of a day. But the rotation of our planet is not constant. Also here the second is just a definition of ourselves. But a variation of earth rotation does not change the chemical or physical behaviour of water.

There is nothing mystical in the number 432 applied on sound frequency. It is exactly as not mystical as 440 Hz or any other frequency. 440 Hz is nothing more than a simple agreement with a simple value between musicians in the past. Do what ever you like to do but don’t state that there’s any correlation between a simply defined number and any behaviour of resonnances in human body. This is just stupid.


432 being a measurement in a random unit, what you observe under such frequency could be meaningful or not.
The number in itself has nothing magical.

Now I’m highly dubitative but try to stay open to new discoveries. I believe both doubt and curiosity are qualities required for anyone thinking of themselves as a scientific mind.

@MythMaker’s effort is interesting. But Science does not take an interesting observation as a proof of an affirmation: there is way more study needed to get a full concept working.
Compatibility with established Science is a required aspect, or one should get their model pretty tight to explain the Universe with more depth than actual “working” theories.

In @MythMaker’s case, the characteristics of the plate (size, depth, material) but also the distance to the sound emitter could have an impact, and maybe even the room temperature and atmospheric pressure, as well as a quantity of other parameters…
Those would have to be ruled out before getting to a conclusion.
And we are not water by the way. I would think the experience should be made with different materials, from simple to more complex, including living cells of plants and animals and blood. And does one really want every note of a scale to make the listener’s body resonate ? Not sure this is a good idea to begin with. Such effects would have to be studied as well.

Experimental science is not a religion with priests, it’s a way of thinking and documenting work to come up with results that can be reproduced, and building theories that take existing ones into account, while waiting to be consolidated further or be broken by other studies.

Ego nor ideology (but ethics and respect for life) shouldn’t get in the way. Most of the time, scientific work is now done in teams: exchanging ideas is way more efficient than running solo in a cave, trying to prove a pre-made conclusion.

What’s killing Science is not high priests. It’s money, and where it’s from. Science should be independent from big money influence.


Exactly, it’s a process, and there are certainly bureaucratic, administrative, Capitalist and other ideological hampers on research.

The only true “techno-priests” these days are operating under the California Ideology, encouraged to rule as feudal lords.

and 20% bullshit.

Not trolling, but seriously. We’re all at least 20% bullshit, which is why there’s stretch tuning and a hundred other tunings for concert piano.


100% funny…

Can anyone confirm this?

You can’t realize that this is true because human consciousness was suppressed as soon as the 440Hz standard was approved.

Fun fact: resonance frequency is the one that breaks the bridge.

My true feeling is that Rockefeller Foundation has way more interests in suppressing rational thinking to manipulate masses. What if all these 432 theories were precisely spread to grow confusion?


Though ‘slightly’ off the subject this show by artist Haroon Mirza looks interesting in light of this conversation:

“Mirza presents a solo exhibition of new works, entitled ||| , forming a constellation of installations around the so-called ‘Holy’ or ‘Divine’ frequency of 111 Hz”


There no doubt are different effects of different frequencies on mind and body. I mean a bass note hits differently than a treble note in more ways than one, not just in terms of sound but also in terms of emotions and imagery they inspire.

I also think that minuite tuning differences can make a significant difference, the issue with equal temperament across certain ascending and descending scales is testament to that.

I like Indian music theory‘s take on this — there, the actual frequency itself is not that important, however, the relationship/intervals between notes are everything. Indian scales (Ragas) build exclusively on the ratios of the natural harmonics of a sound, built around the backbone of a naturally occuring spiral of 5ths (in equal temperament tuning this becomes a circle of 5ths because the frequencies are adjusted to match up across octaves…but naturally a progression of 5ths will not end up in a neat circle). Doing this will inadvertendly lead to microtunings that may differ across notes in a scale as well as when ascending and descending a scale. This will make chordal playing near impossible, however Indian theorists argue that due to these true tunings, the fleeting emotional effects of a chord will in Ragas be delivered melodically and hence sustainably through time. Anyone who‘s ever tuned an instrument to an Indian Raga will know that these - from a Westerner‘s point of view - minute tuning difference have a huge impact on the feel of a scale.

In Indian theory then, different combinations of ratios across the spiral of 5ths (ie interval sequences in a scale) will inspire different emotional responses and effects on consciousness…today there are hundreds if not thousands of Ragas in use that are each associated with a specific and definite effect on body, mind and heart…(by the way, the Raga that equates to our standard major scale in Sa© in Indian theory stands for cultivation of materialism and ego :joy:).

I find this stuff super interesting and intriguing. Instagram is full of the 432Hz vs 440Hz consipracy theories, but I rarely see this bit on “pure ratios” discussed anywhere…testament to how shitty a source of information platforms such as Instagram truely are.


That’s were you lost me.
All the rest, I get it and makes sense to me.

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i can confirm that all information spread in this fashion is 100% true, do not investigate further


Time for a patch library!

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440hz for note A4 is a totally arbitrary value and is used to play in tune with the other members of the orchestra. I never really understand all this mysticism behind a tuning reference. More info here:


Two camps* here really

  1. There’s a religious/ideological/clout/financial benefit in pseudoscientific hot takes (just look at Blavatsky and a million cranks before and after)

  2. It’s fun to look into the history of tuning and early maths, Western standardization and supremacist attitudes, AND add/remove arbitrary rules to spawn creativity and mad scientism at home.

*For the purpose of brevity.


You’ve just been blinded by the 440hz Illuminati, you gotta hear that sweet 432hz pure vibration with your soul before you can understand, maaaaan.


I wonder if it’s also relevant to tune cutoff frequencies of resonant filters. How about a 440 Hz based oscillator and a 432 Hz based lowpass – would the filter override the oscillator with its soul vibration goodness or the other way around?

edit: I’m somewhat serious though haha

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Not sure why. When you have a change in mood, perception or direction of thought, when you go from being innerly rushed to being clam, when you relive experience and perspectives from your past, these are clear and definite changes in the state of your consciousness…to my experience music does all of that and more.

What do you hear when you read that that you’d get lost at that point?


Attributing the validity of a composition to its 432hz/440hz tune rather than to the personal genius of the artist is an insult to the human being and his creativity: there is no such thing as “the magical frequency that opens the gates of the universe”, the real magic lies in the heart of the artist.
Age of Enlightenment please come back here we miss you