Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

Only 420 is correct frequency.
Bummer is you get lazy and a couch potato.
What isn’t neccessary a bad thing.


Well, since the earth is flat, why not turn it into a plate reverb, and see at what frequency it resonates ?


Are you guys sure you understand the data?

I heard he often lamented how bad the gear was…


He had a pretty good meme game for his time:

I find it endlessly frustrating and quite a bit comical that there are all these people claiming to be “scientific” and praising the papers written by their high priests of science when they themselves have never carried out any experimentation or observations regarding this tuning question. Armchair scientists are pathetic. If you want to know something, stop quoting others and do it your damn self, you lazy toss pots.

Twelve years ago, I did. I’ve been tuning guitars and synths to A=432 at Rudolf Steiner’s “Scale of Twelve Fifths” temperament for about that length of time. I found myself with a unique opportunity to test certain things.

The university I attended had a sophisticated agricultural department and they had soundproof freezers for certain microbial studies. I was fortunate enough to gain access to these freezers for a few days. So I got some small speakers, connected them to a function generator, and hot glued some petri dishes to them, filling them a little with water. I subjected them to constant sin wave tones at various frequencies - 48 different tones to be exact - until they froze. Then I looked at the samples under a microscope.

  • Test 1: I made 12 samples using the notes of Equal Temperament at A440
  • Test 2: I made 12 samples using the notes of Equal Equal Temperament at A432
  • Test 3: I made 12 samples using the notes of Steiner’s Scale at A440
  • Test 4: I made 12 samples using the notes of Steiner’s Scale at A432

Considering the human body is composed of roughly 80% water, I thought water was a good medium for this test.

Looking at the ice crystals under a microscope, the results were as follows:

  • Test 1: Two notes (Eb and Gb) produced symmetrical “snowflake” patterns. The rest were random and chaotic looking.
  • Test 2: Four notes (A, C, G and Eb) produced symmetrical “snowflake” patterns. The rest were random and chaotic looking.
  • Test 3: Seven notes (I can’t remember which) produced symmetrical “snowflake” patterns. The rest were random and chaotic looking, including A.
  • Test 4: All 12 notes produced symmetrical “snowflake” patterns.

So go ahead and call me “unscientific” for tuning my instruments to A432 at Steiner’s Scale of Twelve Fifths. When you are subjecting your watery body to sounds, how would you like your water molecules to react?

what were the dimensions of your petri dishes?

Edit: if you are making music for Steiner enthusiasts, by all means follow Steiner’s rules & recommendations.


I often harness the power of my dark crystals while tuned to 432 to see into the distant future and to summon great evil.


So, does this experiment prove that when someone use 432 tuning, we should listen to him/her/whatever from a freezer ?


While being an academic can certainly not lead to anything useful or scientific (parapsychology wings of Unis being an obvious example) Citizen Scientists Doing The Research vastly tends to end up in someone watching youtubes while on the shitter and far more harmful disinformation propagation.

I’m not saying that your average person can’t contribute towards greater world understanding, but “do it yourself” is a bit more useful towards more interesting goals than thinking you’ve invented cold fusion, yet another perpetual energy toy or believing you’ve discovered a fundamental truth of the universe.

Oh “water memory”.

I did not enjoy the amount of unscientific garbage in the “What the Bleep” documentary and it’s no surprise that the documentary director ended up as an abuser of women in the NXIVM cult (no matter how much he tried to shoehorn an image rehabilitation in the HBO doc on the matter. Dude only got out of charges by spilling tea on the guru and providing his footage.)

Getting back to the topic, experiments and “magick” are fun and rewarding to creative end, all the above aside, that sounded cool!


If the earth was a sphere, could one turn it into a huge delay if you send a signal from its core? :crazy_face:

edit: I mean we all know flat earth is sooo yesterday, I’ve heard hollow earth is where the cool kids are at!

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i often read stuff on the internet, but then


all affirmations are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense



5 inch diameter, 1 inch tall, with 1 centimeter of water. I think they were tempered glass, but I honestly didn’t ask. The ones commonly used for examining soil samples.

By the way, Steiner’s scale is so close to Equal Temperament, it’s almost impossible to hear the difference. I play along with synths that can’t change the tuning and it sounds fine. The individual notes are re-tuned only by between 2 and 8 cents. Essentially inaudible.

I seriously can’t tell if this is genuine or a troll.

Don’t take this as an argument, I enjoyed reading your comment, but if you think parapsychology is useless and unscientific, take a look at what our intelligence agencies have been doing for the last 80+ years! Let’s just say they don’t need cameras and bugs to spy on you.

Also, I wasn’t talking about water memory. When you subject your body to music, or any sound whatsoever, it vibrates. Simple as that. Some people think those vibrations are arbitrary and have no affect on you, I wholeheartedly disagree with such a cavalier attitude toward what we expose ourselves to. Just look at the crowd control weapons employed by militaries. They use a sound cannon that can rupture your capillaries, decrease neuronal activity, and cause you to double over in pain.

And honestly I prefer DIY scientists. Academics discredit and destroy anyone and anything that threatens their social status or finances. Just look at the tragic stories of Ruth Drown, Wilhelm Reich, Georges Lakhovsky, John Keely and Nikola Tesla just to name a small sample of people who have been derided, ridiculed, and outright murdered because they developed something very useful that wouldn’t make any money for the corporate titans or adhere to the materialist dogma currently in fashion.

Sure, 90% of DIY scientists are quacks, but 90% of everyone in every profession is a useless quack.


My first thought here would be about the size of the dishes too. Would the uniformity of the chrystals vs frequency of the sinewave have anything to do with the size of the dishes? With resonance and whatnot.
Not trying to prove or disprove anything – even thought the current tone of the thread might imply that – just wondering if you looked into that or calculated anything or whatever.


I wanted to, but they were the only dishes available and I wasn’t sure how to run those sorts of tests, so I went along anyway and after I froze them the first time, I emptied them, randomly shuffled them around, refilled them and froze them again with the same results, and that satisfied me at least to the consistently of the manufacturers of the dishes haha. I wish I had more controls and knew more about the dishes used, but alas.

I contacted a guy from Minnesota who was doing his doctorate thesis on cymatics (the study of standing waves) at the time and I asked him if he had ever done anything like this and if he’d like to spend a day collaborating with me at his school. He proceeded to insult me for being an unscientific new ager, something I have been accused of many times in my life.

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I also figured out the the wavelengths I was using would be short enough to stay within the centimeter of water.

I’m not quite sure anymore how your experiment went down? You randomly switched the dishes around – but you mentioned before you also superglued them to the speakers? How many dishes were there, how many speakers?

Eh I don’t know, I may or may not be slightly greened right now, so could be that’s why I’m confused :v:


May have had his time and life-energies sapped in the past by Masaru Emoto devotees :slight_smile:

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