Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

Mating habits. :wink:

But I don’t disagree.

Once i met a guy who was restoring old recordings. He reminded me that the diapason evolved towards brighter sound until they « fixed » it to 440hz.
That means that Bach was maybe composing with A=435Hz when Mozart could use A=430Hz.
It also explains why bad restorations led to a Bb symphony was restored as a B symphony…

The thing is since we globally use the notes of the keyboard which is by itself a human convention ruling the chosen frequencies to be used as notes, just changing the diapason would not get music any closer to God/nature/you name it.

An early Internet explanation was that Earth frequency would be 8Hz so 432 would me a divine multiplied number of 8… as 440 is :wink:

Personally I think proportion is more important than absolute measures.


Amazing video about frequencies and scales.


This is good too:

That channel has a few deeper dive videos as well that are worth watching.


Bach started out as a synth tech organ tech. Once he got an organ tuned up, he would drop a sick influencer mixtape showing off how awesome the organ he just tuned up was. So Bach was composing for specific instruments and their actual tunings. Universal tunings are fairly recent.

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Also the piano is a reason for 12T ET, it’s a big job to tune and done by a professional. Whereas the player tuned their own harpsichord or clavichord so they just set it to their preference. Each player would have had a slightly different color from their instruments, it’s pretty fascinating. It’s still that way in Indian music, their sitars and such have moveable frets that the musician determines.


This is making the rounds today:

There is growing evidence for the efficacy of music, specifically Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major (K448), at reducing ictal and interictal epileptiform activity. Nonetheless, little is known about the mechanism underlying this beneficial “Mozart K448 effect” for persons with epilepsy. Here, we measured the influence that K448 had on intracranial interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) in sixteen subjects undergoing intracranial monitoring for refractory focal epilepsy. We found reduced IEDs during the original version of K448 after at least 30-s of exposure. Nonsignificant IED rate reductions were witnessed in all brain regions apart from the bilateral frontal cortices, where we observed increased frontal theta power during transitions from prolonged musical segments. All other presented musical stimuli were associated with nonsignificant IED alterations. These results suggest that the “Mozart K448 effect” is dependent on the duration of exposure and may preferentially modulate activity in frontal emotional networks, providing insight into the mechanism underlying this response. Our findings encourage the continued evaluation of Mozart’s K448 as a noninvasive, non-pharmacological intervention for refractory epilepsy.

The Ottomans Sultans maintained a free hospital at Adrianople devoted to musical healing and therapy, as well as aromatherapy.

No mention of Cthulhu though


This and other things is why aliens avoid us.


Sigh, i just want the aesthetic of occultism, but i know that any subculture linked to unreality will cultivate creeps :confused:


I honestly don’t have any strong opinions about it. One interesting thing to me was how he went into how the “resonance” or “heartbeat” (I forgot) of our planet actually fluctuates. Maybe someone can make a Max patch or something where they hook Hz up to some scientific live measurement of earth’s frequency.

Anyways :slight_smile:

Define earth’s frequency please. :thinking:

I think it’s the Schumann Resonances that they’re getting so worked up about.

It would be a fun experiment to release an album at 440 and the same album at 432, put them both on bandcamp or whatever and label the 432 version as “432hz version” and see if there are any differences in number of copies sold.


release a newage album, 440 version for 5 dollars and 432 version for 10 dollars… I bet you end up selling more 432 :money_mouth_face:


I don’t even tune my oscillators anymore.

When I started making music, I read alot of stuff online to ‘learn’. Years later I realized that most of the concepts I read about are pretty much useless for my music anyways.

I just turn the pitch knobs until I like the sound. Way more fun for me than looking at a tuner all


Intervals > tuning !


It’s not mystics just about setting the reference frequency to make it a lot easier for mixing more tuned instruments in a composition.
In western music we devided the whole available frequency spectrum (infinite notes) in to 7 whole and 5 halfs in between so 12. That’s quite a narrow span. When you press a c note or a A and you “feel” the sound they have different feelings like different words spoken feel different. If you choose to set a different reference frequency this same C and A can feel a little different. More pleasent or on the other spectrum more dissonant or scary even. I think this is why Soma lyra-8 can be a beautiful instrument but also get the player in the zone of “i can’t deside wheter to like or hate it”. If not tuned to common reference it’s all over the place and so you might up playing it in different tuning unintentionally.
It’s a matter of taste i guess. What is 440hz? 440 cycles a second. But what exactly is a second? Another reference set by mankind, a division of a minute, which is a division of an hour, which is a division of a day, a year. But how many cylces of a sinewave will be in a year? O no. What’s a year and is earth turning really rock solid steady. Mmm.

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