Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

That’s also my mantra.

Is anyone familiar with the work of Joachim-Ernst Behrendt and his book The World Is Sound: Nada Brahma: Music and the Landscape of Consciousness?


Scientists have only recently learned that the particles of an oxygen atom vibrate in a major key and that blades of grass ‘sing.” Europe’s foremost jazz producer takes the reader on an exhilarating journey through Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America, exploring the musical traditions of diverse cultures and reaffirming what the ancients have always known–the world is sound, rhythm, and vibration. Berendt’s book is alive with his experiences–living in Bali, studying at a Zen monastery in Kyoto, and encountering budding jazz stars in Indonesia, Japan, Europe, and the United States. Drawing from his friendships with composers and performers as well as his knowledge of new physics and Tantra, cybernetics, Sufism, and the works of Hermann Hesse, he reveals the importance of sound in shaping cultural and spiritual life worldwide.

A tribute to the work of many of the greatest figures of our age–including Hans Kayser, Jean Gebser, Sufi Hazrat lnayat Khan, musicians John Coltrane and Ravi Shankar–Berendt’s book suggests that hearing, rather than seeing, is the key to a more spiritual experience of consciousness. His discussion of sound in relation to mathematics, logic, sacred geometry, myth, and sexuality is practical as well as theoretical, offering readers a variety of techniques for developing the ear as an organ of spiritual perception.

It opened up a new world of thinking / seeing the world of frequencies / vibrations / rythm and the universe - that actually got me into creating my own music / learn about frequencies and synthesis.

Sidenote: Pfizer was only distributing / licensing … you mean BionTech they deserve the credit - the “CEOs” also dedicated their lifes to science (and mRNA in particular - and well - seems like we could get pretty good medications for all kind of former untreatable diseases in the near future).


Off topic on Covid vaccine :

There are a lot of pieces to the story, so you can start by adding names like Drew Weissman, and Derrick Rossi, and …

Each had a role to play, including Pfizer and Moderna. Examine the testing, the approval, and the high volume of top quality vaccine each company has produced in a very short period of time – plus Pfizer funded this themselves and took the risk, turning down government funding.

This is a good article that goes into some detail, while still being readable.

If the earth is the carrier frequency and 4 and 5G networks act as modulators does that make us live in a giant Digitone?


Most of those shop guru’s are DIY so you’re looking at arduino/Atmel most likely.

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Joe Rogan’s been milking that for slightly fewer decades…


The pulse is the drone is the rhythm!

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Not sure how everybody else feels, but I think any kind of scientifically unsubstantiated claim should be mocked wherever and whenever it rears it’s ugly head, especially in this day and age.


The more I read / hear about McKenna (who’s work I have enjoyed over the last 20 years or so), the more it looks like he was a serial liar.

Here is someone debunking - very convincingly - his stoned ape theory.

There are many references from people who knew or spoke to him saying that he didn’t believe his own theories, including in the above video.

In fact, he said more than once “make up your own myth”.

It’s pretty disappointing that someone who talked so fervently about expressing our “authentic self” is actually not telling any truth at all or at least playing very loose with it.

Unfortunately he has had an outsized influence on how a lot of people think.

I guess in today’s wired world he would have a YouTube channel and sell supplements not unlike Rogan and friends.


Or not …

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I like orange

I’m kind of with you … but you’ve cast the net a bit wide. I’m sure that there are believers in god who would take issue with that. Unless there’s some way of scientifically substantiating the existence of god that I don’t know about ?

egyptian pyramids??! Ra is watching us - he willl come back in 10.000 years (if the pyramids are still intact to catch the tractorbeam)

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Waking up early because of jet lag, discovering and finishing the dregs of several bottles of white wine in the communal kitchen and then watching the sun rise next to the Roman Colosseum is an experience. For that long moment, Sol Invictus / Ra were absolutely real.

If Terence McKenna accidentally wove some truth among his fabrications it was that traveling is really the most psychedelic (mind-opening) thing a person can do.

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I‘m sure there‘s some McKenna clip on youtube of him going on about the semantics of „going on a trip“ :thinking:

Rome is real nice though, enjoy it it!

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I don‘t take issue with that.

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Reminds me of a Movie called Big Fish. A movie about a story teller weaving truth with fiction and some lessons behind that.

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The earliest evidence of writing seems to be tally sticks followed by accounting records. Literature came later.

It is hard to imagine a progression from tally sticks to literature without some mistakes being passed off as correct, and then intentional errors intended to defraud. At some point, someone must have realized that you can go beyond fraud and arrive at art: things that aren’t “true” but are also more true than the truth.


It’s tough, at this point liars change the scope of history but some people look into this stuff in milder ways to promote art.

Magical thinking-

  • fine for artists
  • turns governments and idiots fascist

It’s a means to an end and creation is not all positive.

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If frequency doesn’t have a physical effect on the human body, how do you explain dancing? Especially using science?

We know very little in our heads, but the body knows and doesn’t care for proof or science when shakin dat ass…

Edit: face palm…just found this, and would like to reinstate a firm desire for facts and science in every opinion … hahaha …

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