Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

I love the McKennas.

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Read by Terence in all his nasal glory.

If you canā€™t stand Terence, you will absolutely hate this. True Hallucinations is his one original work, everything else was riding on the coattails of that experience / story.


Haha :joy: Yeah, I will. I started reading the book ā€¦ but I quite didnā€™t get what the point was and didnā€™t continueā€¦ I figured I rather have my own true hallucinations :hugs:

Follow plants not gurus!

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Itā€™s kind of a Road Novel, with Terence and Friends exploring the Amazonian jungle, looking for exotic psychedelics. Terence ends up on an epic mushroom trip that may have lasted days or weeks and somehow managed to pull his theory that mushroom spores are intergalactic panspermia capsules sent to educate us out of that.

Not to be all buzzkill, but I think Terenceā€™s real talent was to build entertaining narrations that are vaguely similar to actual drug trips and enthrall his audience. When you get right down to it, the content is pretty weak, but entertaining if you can get past the voice.

Terence would be all about telling us to like & subscribe :joy:

more buzzkill

After his death it was revealed that Terence didnā€™t like mushroom trips at all, and only did a handful of his famous ā€œheroic dosesā€.

Itā€™s also fairly likely that he had some sort of relationship with the CIA/FBI, though I like to imagine that there was a ā€œgoodā€ side to those agencies that were responsible for funding Abstract Expressionists & the Iowa Writerā€™s Workshop and people like Terence. More psychedelic intelligence agencies could be a good thing.

Also, when my pet turtle tried a heroic mushroom dose, he only reported hexagonal visual grids, no alien beings.


i prefer 432 (where possible) for the only reason ā€” itā€™s divisible by 3 and 4, unlike 440 which is divisible only by 4, so 432 is more convenient for certain calculations (less remainders and approximations).


I found this quite interesting (from the quoka thread above):

In 1978 the Swiss mathematician and musician Hans Cousto, while consuming some mushrooms in Englischer Garten in Munich, had the vision to determine the concert pitch aā€™ (German: Kammerton, chamber tone) as an octave of the time the earth travels around the sun.

Thus from the frequency of the rotation of the earth, 1 / (365.2563 x 24 x 60 x 60 sec) = 31.68754 nHz, he calculated as an octave, by multiplying with 2^32: 136.0969 Hz which he took as Cis. Multiplied 20 times by the 12th root of 2 (sorry I donā€™t know how to insert mathematical notation) for 20 half tones, this makes 432.0809 Hz for aā€™.

(If he had taken the earth tone as c instead of cis, by the way, aā€™ would be about 457.8 Hz, obviously too far away)


Huh that sounds interesting, in which context would you use something like that?

Iā€™m almost tempted to say you can also divide 440 both by 3 and 4 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But you seem to be preferring clean numbers, so Iā€™m wondering about the application.

certain modulations sound better when the audio rate is the multiple of LFO rate.
of course, actual numbers are always approximations, but since initial calculations are done for certain reference frequency, i prefer to avoid as much approximations as possible.

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The biggest mystery is to define what lenght is actually a second. How wil a dog define it or a frog. If time is relative so is a amount of waves per cycle


In my mind, the biggest missed opportunity is relativity. I mean, come on! We have spatial dimensions and time. There is so much opportunity for tasty woo here. :innocent:


Yeah, canā€™t wait to tell them all that itā€™s not the Earth thatā€™s flat, itā€™s the whole fucking universe that flat mate.

Relatively speaking, of course.

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Terrenceā€™s narration of True Hallucinations starts here:

Thatā€™s easy, locate the nearest New Age bookstore and crystal shop, look around for the 30-something blond with too much patchouli (thereā€™s always one) and ask her to explain quantum tunneling to you.

If you want to read the original stuff on ā€œDNA Healingā€ which used a DNA solution, and measure absorption of UV light, under various conditions, look for stuff by Glen Rein of Quantum Biology Research. On his Linkedin page he describes his current work as ā€œOriginal out-of-box research in energy medicine and mind-brain interactions.ā€

Canā€™t speak to his original work, i havenā€™t read it, but Rein gets picked up by fringe non-science sorts a lot.

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My entire career has been built around finely tuning incantations directed at crystals cursed and inscribed by an esoteric brotherhood of wizards.

So do you recommend the crystal shops that sell AMD/Intel based products, or ARM?


Are those doped crystals you work with ?

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Yeah, no shit.

Shit like the usual ā€œIā€™ve completely misunderstood this seemingly very limited and not particularly meaninglful research, but what I do know, is that it definitely proves what Iā€™m selling will definitely chakra the shit out of your DNAā€™s titsā€.

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Leaving aside the kooks.

The reason i am very hesitant to dismiss work by scientists like Rein, is there are plenty of situations with scientists doing very real work that gets brushed aside and dismissed.

A great example of this is Katalin KarikĆ³, who spent like 40 years being rejected and dismissed, but continued to do her work because she knew and believed what she was doing was right. Without her work we would not have the mRNA Covid vaccine, from Pfizer and Moderna. So thank you Katalin KarikĆ³ !


Everyone knows you can control other peopleā€™s motions (minds?) with rhythm more effectively than with drones, whatever their frequency is.
And the question of which reference is used for A note is pretty pointless for both cases, I believe ^^


Yeah, totally. Havenā€™t read enough of his stuff, but the amount of articles coming to all sorts of wild conclusions based on what appears to be a pretty limited study he conducted in the 90ā€™s is mad.

Heā€™s clearly a pretty legit scientist, but the amount of woo hanging off his coat tails is mad.