Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

The guy who posits a metaphysical existence to numbers is in a poor position to talk about pseudoscience

Can I fool YouTube by plagiarising everyoneā€™s music at 432Hz?


I bet you could.

One frequency, isnā€™t that drone music? I mean itā€™s fine but I like melodies.

If you want mystical just come to Arizona. There are frogs all over my back yard that secrete DMT.

Then all the frequencies will be mystical (for about 15 minutes or so) :joy:


Iā€™ve been carefully calibrating my flatulence to get it in tune with 432.

Now every big bang in my pants is a big bang in the multiverse.

Iā€™m literally shitting universes.

No shit.



You sound like drunk Rick. Also send that text to the creators :grinning:

The creators of Rick and Morty or the creators of existence?

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And when your dog licks them they start singing Opera instead of barking.

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Whereā€™s the difference?

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This may be pseudoscience but I read about the solfeggio (Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti, the original began with Ut and had no Ti, whatevs). It was believed by some, then and now, that hearing these had a beneficial, therapeutic effect on humans, and churches being the only venue for many to hear music, they were essentially resonance chambers. Quackery & mumbo jumbo maybe, but the Mi frequency of 528 hz most associated with healing happens to be the most effective frequency for repairing DNA, used in modern science.
That said, I canā€™t honestly say I prefer 432 hz music to 440 hz. Iā€™ve grown accustomed to that 8 hz of luciferic brightness by now.

I found this reference from a National Institute of Health publication :

So 528 Hz sound at >>100 dB<< released testosterone in astrocyte cells in rats brains. Quote :

Prolonged exposure to this sound wave showed reduction of anxiety related behaviors in rats.

Is this what youā€™re referencing ?

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just started to work out ā€¦ need more testosteron! Now I need to figure out how to make 528 Hz music!

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Got any references for this?

They were probably getting ready for a fight because someone was torturing them with a tone at 100 dB for prolonged periods of time.

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Dudeā€¦ donā€™t be so sceptical ā€¦

Maybe this will help: Listen to 852 Hz ā€“ ā€œReturning to Spiritual Orderā€

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Not being sceptical, just interested in any research pertaining to this.

Iā€™m all for a good 8 hour drone, just never heard of one repairing DNA before.


Was just kidding. But there is obviously no scientific evidence for this. Yet.

Iā€™m pretty sure though that frequencies have effects. But directly repairing DNA? Only over three/four cornersā€¦

Been reading this thread a bit:

We have also discovered that pillows are more dangerous than hammers to Rats.

When we held the pillow down on the Rat it died.

When we held the hammer on the Rat for the same amount of time and pressure, it was agitated but didnā€™t die.

Therefore it is proven! Weā€™re scientists! High fives all around!


The full audio book of True Hallucinations used to be up on, Iā€™ll add a link if I can find it again. Absolutely a riveting narration!

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Read by himself (Terence)? I always found it impossible to listen to his voice for longer than 2 minutes.

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