Need help troubleshooting sound issue in OB

Hello, feeling a bit confused and frustrated with my computer/OB right now. Did a few searches and can’t find anyone else that has the same problem as me.

I’m using ARmk2 with OB, my Octatrack receives clock from ARmk2 and it’s audio goes through AR’s audio input so I can record both devices at the same time. No sync issues or anything like that.

I’m just trying to bounce out a quick 30sec draft of this mix I’m working on so I can listen in the car. So I open the AR program on my computer (don’t even need Ableton, I’m just recording the AR’s mains as a draft/test mix), and go to the audio capture/recorder thing and record a short clip. It monitors perfectly fine. However when I playback the recording from VLC player from my computer it sounds weak thin and phased. I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this. The same thing happens in Ableton, when I export something that I recorded into Ableton through OB, the exported recording sounds weak thin and phased. I’m sure it’s gotta be some kind of sound card issue but not sure what to do…

Help appreciated…