Nektar Panorama CS12 - Logic controller

Seems like this would actually be something that would make life easier when using Logic. But ive only been using Logic for just over a year so I really have zero idea of what other products are comparable. What d’ya think? What’s Nektar’s other products like?

I’ve owned my Nektar P6 for quite a few years now. Still going strong.

It’s a great controller, well-built, feature-packed. Many aspects are really well thought out.

I use it standalone, and with Cubase and Reason.

Standalone, requires no editor, sends out almost everything (no sysex tho). Buttons can even step through values one at a time. Some buttons light to show on/off.

The integration with Cubase and Reason is stunning. Even before Nektarine (plug-in wrapper) it was very usable.

The pads aren’t the best feeling for drumming (not quite sensitive enough for me). They respond to pressure tho.

The keys are great on the whole, one thing - the black keys require more pressure than the white for Aftertouch. I’m used to it now, it’s actually fine after a while.

One more thing, in ‘dawless’ mode it supports global channel assignments, greatly expanding its 20 presets. You can also map buttons to step forward or back through presets.

All in all, one of the most useful devices I own.

Hope that helps!

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One thing that annoys me is lack of integration with Ableton. However I only use it in custom mode nowadays anyways so not an issue for me.

This isn’t just a Logic controller. They said at NAMM that they’re staggering the DAW compatibility releases to get each one right per DAW.