New album: No Masters - Volume 2

It’s amazing what you can do to avoiding doing something else…

All sounds are from Lyra 8 and my (slightly modified) Fusion System, plus some of those horrible sounding OT reverbs and my Quadraverb.

Try to enjoy it.


This is mint! Love the album cover too.

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Thanks for the support.

It’s amazing what you can do with a shitty phone camera and some free photo software.



Great layers and movement.


Sounds fantastic! Love your stuff. We’ll win you back to the beat battles eventually. :wink:


If anything, this reminds me of Aphex Twin’s Collected Ambient Works Vol 2.

That one still gives me shivers and creeps, grief and longing. It’s a fantastic album. Like the Knife’s Silent Shout, has the same vibe to it, this alien place, beautiful and lethal at the same time, like one of them flowers that’ll kill if you if you touch it, but you wanna touch it so bad.

I’m ranting, I know. It’s my way of saying I love this and bought a copy now.


Nice word for it, thanks for the support.

Yeah, just give me another 12 years to figure out how to sample and slice properly and I’ll be right with you.

Thanks for your generosity, both financial and wordy.


A couple of great sounds, talent, a good music taste, DIY and a unique style, that’s how I like it. We share an interest for the same music, synths and aesthetics. I bought a Lyra last week and will join the Cult Of The Black Beast tomorrow. Keep on the good work.


Welcome. I’m thinking of getting a second, but will probably start saving for a pulsar instead, which given my current level of income, is going to take years…


Beautiful. I love that the Lyra can sound like a modulated cello, even has some bowed sound in it.

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Really nice textures. Enjoying this a lot. Congrats

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Thank you! I’ve been watching Pulsar videos non-stop for days. This thing looks and sounds absolutely gorgeous.

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This is so heavy, crushing, and tearing that it becomes ambient, meditative, and cathartic. It’s some seriously good stuff, dude! I will be adding this one to my collection as soon as I get paid tomorrow :slight_smile:


Thanks, though with raw materials like Lyra and the Fusion System I can hardly go wrong.

Exactly what I was going for. Mission accomplished.

Thanks for listening.


Yes! This is really beautiful.

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There’s a whole thread of psychology research on this… I’d look it up but I’m busy.


Very nice!
Regarding the melodic sequences, are you playing the whole thing live, sampling and looping a phrase, or sequencing somehow (eg. With the ornament 8 Lyra adapter)?

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Thanks for listening.

Anything remotely melodic is the Fusion System being sequenced by an SQ-1. The Lyra is about 99% texture, but the way the two synths interact when pushed hard through a bunch of reverbs and distortion, it gets kinda hard to separate out what voices are doing what to the point that it all just kinda becomes one big voice, some of it following a melody, some of it doing it’s own thing. There are lots of points where I’m “playing” the Lyra, but the effects aren’t particularly melodic.