New Album - The Twilight of the Soviet Space Programme

Wouldn’t even know where to start trying to get a label to release it. Not a massive fan of streaming services, don’t want to get stuck in the trap of all that mass/social media wank.


I think there’s a little Lyra, but only for background texture. 90% is modular.

Erica Synths black Doublebass, tracking one of the modular oscillators and mixed completely clean and mono.


Its pretty much the same as the old days, sending a demo tape to a label you like and saying " can I be on your label please" schoolyard style. Which basically has the same results. No response.
Labels find you, not the other way round. (There’s probably exceptions)

Its over rated anyway, unless they generate noticable cash, or fans screaming for a glimpse of your next masterwork, they do the same thing you can do yourself, for free. Either that or you get shafted by them. And streaming services can get bent. Slightly off topic now. But yeah.


Aaaand, that’s a purchase !


Just listened to the album and it’s very good - nice work. Tracks 1, 3 and the last one are highlights for me.

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Thanks for the support, glad you like it.

Me too.
Thanks for listening.