New Behringer EDGE semi-modular percussion synth

I really enjoyed the whole packaging experience when unboxing the DFAM I had a few years ago. Really the best unboxing experience I’ve ever had of any product. It made me feel like I wanted to buy a Moog again.
But honestly, if the Edge has midi, possibly has a sequencer that resets AND is only 4th of the price of a DFAM, while still sounding almost the same, then it becomes quite dificult for me to justify getting a DFAM. What has kept me from getting one again, is the annoying lack of reset, and is also why I sold it :man_shrugging:


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, but I’d’ve figure you’d be morally opposed to giving Behringer money

100% agree that we want pleasant, constructive discussions in here, but I’m not sure it’s possible to put aside politics here unless you’re only saying “the color is nice” or “it sounds good.”

Lots of people want to praise Behringer for being affordable and available everywhere, but that is an extension of the very same politics that make people hate them.

If we can’t talk about that, then what is left to talk about? There certainly aren’t any new musical/technical/creative ideas happening in B-town — the only new/interesting thing happening here is what’s political.

Wanted to get that off my chest. That said, the world can always use more DFAMs, so although I won’t buy this, I’m sure it’ll contribute to a lot of great music. I actually kinda like the color.


Indeed, I really agree actually. Even though I still consider getting one :man_shrugging:

Copying popular products that are currently still in production 1:1 + few extras in terms of features, without even mentioning that it’s a clone (to avoid lawsuits of course), and then selling it at 4th of the price is extremely shameless. Instead of waiting till it’s a discontinued product :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking::man_shrugging:

You’d think that they have something against Moog. I’d like to hear what Moog thinks about it. I mean M32 is probably their currently most sold synth, isn’t it? So in that sense, the Crave was worse somehow. But now with the Edge that makes it even more so, because both originals are currently still in production.

But but but, it might be because of all these issues that buyers frequently experience with the Moog products. At least when I’ve looked around on the internet, Especially with the M32, there have been so many reports about quality issues. Of course, if it’s their most sold products, more faulty units are prone to escape the factory (I’m getting visuals of M32’s with arms and legs outside a factory at night shouting “Let’s escape and create some havoc in the synth industry” :laughing:).
But also with other of their products there have been frequent issues according to the internet, as far as I remember.

In contrast, I’ve rarely read any issue rapports about Behringer synths, and they’re currently the best selling company in terms of synths aren’t they? So they should have significantly more faulty units out in the open. Maybe we don’t hear about it as much, because they’re so cheap that most don’t bother complaining about it.

So maybe Behringer is trying to prove that you can make the “same” product at a much lower price, but with significantly better quality control.
A little unfair, when they don’t have to outsource their parts :sweat_smile:

When it comes to parts, don’t some of the more expensive brands also get some of their parts from Behringer’s factory. I think Sequential used some in some of their products, is that true? :thinking:

I apologize if I offended anyone, wasn’t my intention. I’ve seen these topics, unfortunately, turn into dumpster fires is all I meant.


Does this make a DFAM with reset?

Wether it does or not, Behringer copying modern gear is a twat move (in my opinion, not here to judge or argue).

Each to their own of course :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I really like violet colors :purple_heart:


re: B products higher quality control than Moog… you have that flipped. but yes, people complain more when their $700 synth acts up than when their $200 one does. and in this case if there is an issue, the former gets repaired by the company at no cost to you. the latter gets thrown in the trash, and they send you a new one.

but back to this abomination… I get people being excited about a DFAM with midi. it’s a huge complaint about the DFAM. that said… everyone wanting to be in the modular/semi-modular world should have a solid midi to cv/gate/clock device in their arsenal. unless the DFAM or this is to be your only semi-modular device, I don’t see why that’d be a deal-breaker.


As for the color:

There are many overlays for the Crave from:
and probably others. Expect the same for the Edge.

Yes they cost a fair chunk certainly in a relative sense, but wait for the sales if you want.

Behringer also fairly regularly offers their synths in other colors, but i don’t think they did this with the Crave.


Never played with a DFAM, but have always wanted to try it out so I’m very tempted to make this my first Behringer purchase.

Also, um 10,000 BPM? I feel silly for not knowing this, but can any other synths do that? Can DFAM? Really curious to hear what a sequence would sound like at that speed. Just a drone I’m guessing?


That just an LFO that can go to audio rate. Common for LFOs and sequencers in Euro.


It is a lot of money. But it’s not a lot (historically) for THREE MOOGS

^ allcaps denote trufax

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I can’t tell if you’re shaming :loopy: … (oh wait a minute!)

I actually have more Behringer gears than finger digits from (mostly) faux Boss to faux ARP - again, things which were otherwise not ever gonna be on my radar for various reasons - the purple of the Edge might actually offend me, but i am comfortable with my purchasing priorities, no moral conflicts (not that i see it as relevant) or lost sleep on the ‘copying’ angle because that’s nothing new - whilst applicable barriers to unreasonable appropriation in the marketplace are in place one can pick from what’s out there - i’m not a fan of Behringer per se but nor am I of Amazon, Apple or Google either, but being a user of those big players brings me more discomfort (for various reasons) in the broader and more important picture arguably … imagine having folk descend on every user purchasing via Amazon or on an Apple announcement thread to have their say ! It doesn’t change much, but adds noise in a thread for anyone looking for insights about the topic

WRT Politics and B in these threads: It can be kept separate, just as has happened on other topics once the day zero drama has calmed down or when it doesn’t there’s a tidy up - this is why it’s been requested often to use the many existing threads to speak your mind if that helps


You know how in movies/plays/novels a person’s morals are tested by war, greed, etc.? This is me right now. And I am totally going to give in to Behringer. I love the DFAM experience more than I hate Behringer. And at that price and with MIDI/reset, how can I say no? I guess if the sound ends up being crap, I’ll hold on to my beliefs. What makes this potential purchase even worse for me is that Moog is employee-owned.

Now that I’ve watched the entire video, I’m not digging the sound. DFAM sounds way better to me.


Totally not shaming. I have the behringer modular case(it’s depressingly near-empty at this point)

Just from how I’ve read you as a person, I just believed you were more ethical in your transactions than pragmatic.

But yeah, I definitely feel significantly more shame when I purchase from Amazon than a Behringer(goodness forbid, buying a Behringer FROM Amazon)

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‘EDGE mind melting thread’ just doesn’t have the same ring to it. What does EDGE even stand for anyway?


beenage bengineering BOP-1 please


I think Bubharmoniclone is next.
Probably called “JUCE” or something similarly annoying.


Edge of copyright infringement?

… I’ll see myself out


Behringer „SQRT“

If you get all three it will be: CRAVE EDGE SQRT
