New Behringer EDGE semi-modular percussion synth

I’m still trying to decide which thing offends me most.

It’s currently a three way tie between:

  • The obvious DFAM rip off
  • The pink color
  • The dude’s haircut

re: MIDI, there is a nifty MIDI input add on for DFAM. Sadly, it costs about as much as the EDGE. But you’d be supporting someone who is not an edge lord, so that has value.


The pictures show wooden side panels

I presume midi out is linked to pitch and velocity of the sequencer , tempo.

Probably similar with midi in , along with tempo and seq start stop etc. the basics.
But will find out more when the influencers get it.

No derision from me, I’ll be very happy to add one of these to my setup. Sounds great.


Made me actually laugh out loud

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lmao, that’s a pity :joy:

Yea, economies of scale and all. There is a lower price euro version, though.

Why cap it at 10,000 BPM? Pretty limited IMVHO.


I used to swear by a simple hiccups cure when I was out on the piss back in the day. A shot of neat blackcurrant cordial always did the trick, no idea why, but it stopped the hiccups every time.

Problem was, it regularly ended up in a delightful rainbow of purple/pink vomit the exact same colour as this new thing.

For that reason, and that reason alone, I’m oot folks.


I think this touches on an interesting point! Hardware architecture has become fairly trivial to rip off, but complex software underlying hardware hasn’t (yet).


looks like fun. I’m in.

digital became the thing that’s hard to replicate, the irony


As for MIDI on the Edge

That makes a lot of sense and would be useful. I bet that is implemented.

Clearly from the front panel you can see that there is MIDI clock with an input clock dividing/multiplier scale knob, and a switch to select to use the internal or MIDI clock. You can’t very well run the MIDI clock to audio rates. Though if you could set the “pitch” for a clock via MIDI and that would be nice.

What is said in the video about the MIDI is this:
Edge is fitted with comprehensive MIDI implementation, allowing for external control of such parameters as MIDI channel and voice priority selection.

Does anyone have a clear understanding of this, particularly the MIDI control of MIDI channel ? I think this is you can change the MIDI channel, with those little DIP switches on the back.

Voice priority selection.” I get this in a general sense. Anyone have ideas of this in specific. We’ll eventually see what this means exactly, with a manual.

Are there other MIDI functions that are clear from what Behringer has presented so far ?

The schematic, maybe. But that thing doesn’t sound nearly as good as a DFAM…from those demos anyway.

Yeah I just went and listened to some DFAM demos. Now I don’t feel like getting an Edge :man_shrugging: Because the reason I got a DFAM in the past, was because of its overall sound. So hype over for me :yum:

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Fair! I would guess that’s mostly due to cost-cutting measures as opposed to Behringer not understanding the design. Hard to know though.

I’m not looking to buy one but I am curious to hear more of it. If only for the morbid interest of watching an over-eager disease kill its host.

I appreciate that Behringer doesn’t make any claims about their own originality, here. Nothing like “totally unique sound” or “innovative signal path” or whatever. So good on them.

But I don’t get how it’s totally illegal for me to steal your beats, put pink cover art on them, and sell them as my own for half the price, but totally legal to do the same thing with the machine you made the beats with?

I mean, if I take your beats and sell them cheap, I’m just giving people access to amazing beats they couldn’t afford before, right? I don’t give you any credit and am happy to let everyone think they’re mine — and they’re somehow pink, now. But maybe I’ll put them up on more services so people have more options of how to control them. That’s innovative. Shouldn’t that be allowed?

All else aside I’m sure Barbie is stoked.


Hey now…I don’t think this forum is the place for haircut shaming.

As a person with terminal chronic bad-haircut, im feeling targeted :grinning:


I was really hoping for a matching Ken doll, I’d actually maybe buy that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Which really does not mean much !

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