New Behringer EDGE semi-modular percussion synth

Bro omfg :joy: :joy: :joy:

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What a time to be alive :laughing:

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Think of all the Barbies you can buy by saving money with the EDGE!


The only reason i sometimes think about selling my DFAM is the money i can get for it. I wonder if the EDGE sounds close enough for me to switch over. The DFAM really has a wonderful sound.

like the DFAM, it still doesn’t have a reset input. so I wonder if the sequencer even does reset after stopped/started via midi, of if you still have manually advance it back to step eight, like the DFAM (when you want the sequencer to start on step one).

A “good synth sound” is a subjective matter. You and others may prefer Edgier sound.

If I have learned anything from reading this forum, it is that B + midi = doesnt work.


TBH by the time you buy a few of these quite limited drum/synths you would have spent enough money to buy a used ARmk1 which sounds a lot better, is a lot more flexible, and does a lot more. I can only guess that people value the one knob per function over other considerations, which I find a bit odd given that supposedly budget is the main reason for buying a Behringer product.

I have to hand it to Behringers marketing though, because clearly they know how to sell to their target market.


I feel like the sounds in the video are rather poor, we really hear the filter bleeps and not much noise / distorsion.

I mean, this is what it should sound like, no? Wasn’t it the target?

Where are the tight drum sounds? The aggressive bass? The industrial noise punch?


yeah, swing and a miss in the sonics department. if it was supposed to sound like the DFAM. or, you know… good.

the DFAM isn’t awesome because of the form factor and options available. in fact, I’d almost say it’s awesome in spite of the form factor and options. it just sounds tremendous and has a huge sweet spot. copying form factor/options/controls alone was a mistake. but I guess you can only get juuuuust that close to copyright infringement before going over the line…

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Maybe this is why they don’t call the edge and crave tributes to the M32 and DFAM because they are just conceptual copies rather than copying the circuitry? They seem to not mind their customers drawing incorrect conclusions that they are like the moog originals, even if it is quite evident to anyone listening to comparisons. I mean the crave is based around the Cool Audio Bro 3340, the M32 is not, yet some people still seem to think the crave is a M32 for less money :rofl:


A little early for a demo, review, or a tutorial video. This is a promo, at least they skipped the teasers.

I don’t think we’ve heard an audio rate sequencer stepping, which might be more where the rubber will meet the road.

Lots more to hear, if we can keep our ears open.


Apples and oranges… in my use case there is close to zero overlap between my DFAM and my AR (or any other drum machine for that matter).


Woah. Just watched the promo video…

It sounds weak.

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Yeah i didn’t get the point of that either, nor the Barbie dolls.

I did when i first read about the Edge in Synthtopia, have a knee jerk reaction, but immediately realized i was reacting because i own and enjoy using my DFAM. Anyone else have this feeling, and reaction ?

Yeah I get that, but this isn’t a DFAM, even from that brief promo you can hear the envelope is not snappy, unless it is a prototype they are showing, but it isn’t exactly hard to get snappy envelopes even for a hobbyist, let alone a company with such huge resources.

Also, I have previously criticised the envelopes in AR too, just for balance.

Well obviously this is a prototype. Production units are likely a month or more off.

I have very limited trust in sound from youtube videos, let alone promo videos, so ideally I’ll judge sound “firsthand”.


Look at the colour of the edge, then the colour on the mattel page I posted, same, I just thought it was funny that they chose Barbie pink and Barbie had a range of music producer dolls with what looks like Behringer (or is it Mackie?) mixers as accessories.