New Brain Acid Volume 2, for your synth bass fetish

I’m very excited to announce my new album is out right now, only on Bandcamp.

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did making it. I truly had a belter of a time, and I’m gonna keep doing it. Cheers to all the supporters, you know who you are. Love and drum machines :slight_smile:

(Happy to answer any gear nerd questions, feel free)


It’s a banger! Excellent work :grin::grin::grin:

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That is some funky bass right there. :partying_face:


@darenager thank you, glad you appreciate :slight_smile:

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Superb bass programming mate.



Digitone and what?

Enjoying it a lot dude. Really impressive. Great mix and nice variety in melodies and grooves. Totally fits my taste :+1:


Thanks mate, that means alot

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Octatrack TR8-S Digitone Sub 37 MS20 SH101 Pittsburgh SV1 Plaits Vermona Retroverb Lancet Quadraverb A&H zed 14 Tascam DR40x Analog Heat


To my ear almost every bassline comes from the 101. Am I fooled?

You are.

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there must be some other synths with rubbery resonance here then :upside_down_face:
All Digitone :sweat_smile:


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Oh [Func] + [Yes].

That’s some super fresh bass programming!


This is funky as hell, love it!

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All of your samples are so crisp and delicious :exploding_head: and props on mixing such a clean album! :muscle: What was your process for achieving that plucked sound for Hruden? It sounds like a muted Kalimba… delicious :ok_hand: Really enjoyed Satin Chilli Theif and the offbeat structure on Elektro Milk, but I most enjoyed the funk you captured on Amabilis. Awesome work man :beers:

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Nope, Sub 37.

Yep, Sub 37.
SH101 is on the album, just not the main bass synth like I did on New Brain Acid.

@Raeballz thank you! @m0ld Thank you!

@aarb420 thanks for your comments! There’s not that many samples on it, the few I did use are samples of me playing synths (eg main synth riff on amabilis because I dont like the way elektrons records legato midi, so I sampled myself playing), or resampled so I can chop up synth lines and do cool stuff on the OT. Hruden was modular plus OT. So plaits. Cant remember the patch. I recorded it through a bunch of OT effects, and of course the Vermona .


sounds great

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