New Dub Techno EP release (video / bandcamp / soundcloud)

Hi! Today I released a new dub techno EP. Most sounds are from the Moog Matriarch, drums and other sequencing by Digitakt.
The whole EP is available at Bandcamp for free download (or more if you want to support my work), Soundcloud and Youtube.


Sounds awesome!

I’m impressed by the fact that your cat doesn’t wreck havoc in your studio. Mine’s always trying to bite the cables and knock shit around, has gotten to the point that he’s not allowed in.

i’m always a fan of your dub sound, the ep is really good. shared it in a couple of places for you too. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your support and sharing, I am glad you like it! Neptun is really enjoying Ambient and Dub Techno music, sometimes he steps on some gear but usually he just sits there.


Loving dub techno vibes here, deep and wide, sounds lovely, ace!