New EP Created On My Digitakt

I’ve just released the my second EP produced on my Digitakt, with a few finishing touches and mixing done in Studio One. I’ve become much more comfortable using the DT for it’s strengths and leaving the rest for the DAW. Feel free to ask questions if there’s anything you’re curious about production-wise!


They sound great! Personally I just wish they were 4/5 minute tracks as opposed to 2/3 minutes but great work nonetheless :slight_smile:

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I agree! That’s actually been a challenge for me with these EPs. The overall length of song has increased since the first one, so I’m hoping I can slowly learn how to extend my arrangements.

Any tips for how to extend a loop-based song without just repeating the same stuff?

I think the other consideration is that by making the tracks so short u run the risk of not allowing enough time for the listener to settle into a groove. Personally when a groove is strong I can listen to that shit for hours :wink:

Trust that your groove is strong and let it ride!

This track immediately comes to mind:

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Modulation, a few extra B sections that come in later and drum programming that changes just a bit throughout.

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Excellent sound and groove! Loving Saturate.

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Thanks for checking it out!

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