New EP: Sunlight & Water

Hello 'Nauts – I have finally released my EP, which was completed last year but not totally ready until just now. It’s a four-groove continuous mix performed on an OT, DN, AR, and A4. Many thanks to @DaveMech for his guidance, feedback, and willingness to listen to this #*&($@( thing about 400 times.

Some details in case anyone’s curious: the OT is the brains of this set-up, supplying clock and MIDI control, but pattern changes were done manually on each box, along with various performance controls. The output of the AR was hooked up to the OT so I could sample it for the transitions. Everything went to an A&H ZED 18 mixer, then from there to my interface and computer. Once I had the whole performance recorded, I split the recording up so each groove could have its own EQ and compression settings (and to remove one random audio glitch). Samples include some extended patterns from my Eurorack synth, various guitars, Rhodes, and my GR-300 guitar synth.



And in case any of you like your EP’s accompanied by funky shapes, I made a video with my Critter & Guitari EYESY:

I don’t have video of the performance itself, so this seemed like the next best thing. This is my first stab at using the EYESY for such a thing, but won’t be the last. :slight_smile:


Really well done dude :slight_smile:

It should also be mentioned that you recorded these 4 tracks in one go with a huge amount of scenes, movements and interactions you had to remember to make the transitions just right and to keep things moving and dynamic. You’ve practiced and recorded this so thoroughly to bring it to completion so that’s really commendable! That plus the unique vibe you have makes this an impressive EP to me.

Glad to have been part of the process and to have seen it, and your skill level with it, evolve :slight_smile: