New Eventide H90 pedal

I know this has been asked before, but I feel like I didn’t really get a definitive answer. Is the latency between dry and wet signal noticeable? I’m thinking specifically on percussion.
This is one of the reasons I could never use other multi effects units as I intended (MOD Duo X, Beebo), and is still hunting for one with a fast enough response to use as my always-hooked-up on sends.

Just a quick question: does the H90 also have EQ algorithms, … standalone or integrated into other algorithms

Fyi, there’s now a working Patch Storage repository if you’d like to share any presets or banks with others.


Is there a way to send both stereo inputs through the same effect or do I have to swap between?

Nice using hot knobs and midi with a faderfox


I just checked the routings and it seems not. You can send one stereo input, or the other, to both effects, or each stereo input to a separate effects, but not both stereo inputs to the same effect.

beebo and h-90


I’ve been running my harp through the h90 and it’s a wicked combo. Still only playing around with factory presets but have a MacBook coming soon and I’ll dig a little deeper.


just out of curiosity are you having any latency issues?

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No, although I’m running from the h90 into my mixer and then directly out to Monitor.
I think once I’m running it into my DAW the latency would be too much.


i measured the latency. it’s about 3ms when an algorithm is running in parallel and 4ms when running in series.

my 2 week review:

i think the h90 is awesome so far. it sounds great. quite a bit better than the h9 to my ears. i’m guessing it’s not using any of the variable sample rate stuff the h9 does for the more complex algorithms. not sure though.

i hadn’t really experimented with control voltage with a digital effects processor before, but i’ve been using h90 with control voltage since getting it and it’s been working flawlessly.

of the new algorithms, been really liking “bouquet delay” and “head space”. also glad they added the sp2016.

there is also no need to use the software editor which is really convenient.

i’m guessing eventide will add some more/ better routing options with the analog inputs and outputs.

very nice job eventide!


Anyone got a preset collection they’d be happy to share? I haven’t had time to explore the desktop app but would love to have some fun with new FX!

I haven’t but want to state for the record that it’s fairly easy (for me so far) to dial in a preset on the spot, choosing an algorithm for slot A, another for slot B, choosing the routing that makes sense and setting all parameters, all from the H90.

I just love that thing! Sounds so good. The added algorthms, Instant Phaser/Flanger, SP 2016 are very welcome.

One wish I have (maybe I missed it?) would be the ability to swap effect A and B, I didn’t find a way.

Oh, and plugging an expression pedal in it, it’s super easy to map to any parameter in a few actions. Great! :slight_smile:

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I’ve been reading through the literature available for the H90, trying to find a concise list of effects. Is there any sample rate reduction functionality?

I’m considering getting one of these to get rid of a few pedals and save on space/power/cabling complexity on my desk. One of the pedals I would want to replace is the Meris Ottobit Jr., which has great SRR and so far it looks like it might not be covered here.

I’m wondering if any of these algorithms does that, but isn’t explicitly stated in the docs.

I haven’t encountered that so far, sample reduction, that is…

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Thanks. I don’t see it on the list. Just thought I would ask in case they call it something else, like some creative name for the effect or something

Not sure if you mean what I think you mean. Pressing the 1st of the three small encoders in routing mode swaps effects.


May I also ask what people’s favourite reverb to use is?

There’s no one for me. The sp 2016 is amazing, I already used it a lot as a plugin for my mixes, mostly for tasty rooms. It’s a blessing to have here. So it gets most used now.

I enjoy the reverse, short, when jamming, for special effect.

The hall, spring get used when appropriate and are beautiful.

I never found a good use for blackhole until recently where I fell in love with it for an ambient piece where it fit perfectly (fun with an expression pedal mapped to gravity)

The only one I’m almost never using is the Shimmer. I hear it too obvious. But that may change. Ive also thought of doing my own custom shimmer-like effect using another reverb and a pitch effect in the H90. Experiment pending.

I feel I still have a lot of range to discover with reverbs, even after years of having owned a Space and now H90…

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