New help with digitone

Heloo there guys, just got my new digitone and have some questions

if i mount a drum kit in one sequence using diffrent trings and sounds from pool, can i mute trigs individually ? do u have any possibility on that mater?

also how does probability works? can i add probability to each trig or is more like an over all by sequence?
does probability affect on the other sequences?? i heard something about over all probability?
any good toturials on that?

Kind regards

With Fn+Trig they become silent (yellow lock trigs). You can also use /FILL trig condition.

Works like X% TRig Conditions, but on the whole track. With X% TRC, a trig has X% of chance to be triggered.

Control all Prob : Hold MIDI and turn Prob knob.

Use X% for that purpose.

You can use NEI TRC for track interactions.
Per pattern.


wow ! thanks a whole lot for the tips…

the only think i cant get is the last one when u wrote NEI TRC … What’s that??

again, thanks a lot !!

Check manual! :pl:

NEIghbor TRig Condition.

Ex : Track 2 NEI is true if Track 1 previous trig condition (X) is true. It can be on the same step. The opposite if you use /NEI.



ill do check the manual indeed.

thanks a lot that cleared a lot of my doubts.

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