New, knobby SID synth

It’s so nice to know other people are having the same problem. I sent him an e-mail now.
I also mentioned this thread to him.

edit: Of course it’s not nice anyone is having this problem…but it’s easier to narrow down and fix the problem when we can discuss it together :slight_smile:

Exactly. There’s reassurance in that it’s not just me :wink:

I can’t wait to get it working properly though - sounds great.

Are you all using your own chips or is it coming this way from the factory?


i tried mine with two own 6581 chips.
both pretested and working perfectly with e.g. sid guts.

Hi Guys,

Just been referred to this thread, sorry for not jumping in earlier.

Indeed there seems to be something strange happening with the SID’s clock generated by therapSid. Annoyingly I haven’t experienced it during the final test phase before shipping, so it must be a temperamental issue.

I googled for VCA problems and found a solution in this thread:

I tried the fix today and indeed it resurrected the SID Chip that I had discarded for “Broken VCA”

I soldered a 0805 1nF Capacitor between pins 6 and 7 because it fits nicely between the pins, but any through hole cap should work fine.

Long story short it filters out the “bump” in the clock signal that is being sent from the atmel micro to the SID.

If you are experiencing this problem, please contact me. I’ll be happy to fix it for you or send you the necessary part.


After receiving my unit yesterday I’ve also encountered above described behavior. Sound plays on normal loudness until I touch some of the envelope knobs, then the volume drops down to very low level. Notes are not gated properly.

I just ordered the capacitor and will try to fix it my self.

Anyone in the US get theirs yet? Mine is still stuck in France because of the Air France Strike.

Nothing here yet. My tracking info states it hasn’t been taken to the post office yet but Alex said he took it there last week.

v00d00ppl what does your tracking state? Maybe we are in the same boat.


Nothing here yet. My tracking info states it hasn’t been taken to the post office yet but Alex said he took it there last week.

v00d00ppl what does your tracking state? Maybe we are in the same boat.

“your package is ready to be shipped. it is not yet supported by post”

The other window to the right has the following warning:

Because of Air France strike routings to the DOM are greatly disturbed. Air France and various airlines have taken over during the strike face freight volumes quite exceptional. Our shipments undergo several days of delays. This is temporary, our services are working to restore the usual time.


Hello Folks,

I hope you’ll receive them soon. I’ll let you know if any come back to me but I doubt it. All in all the french post office has performed pretty well considering that they haven’t lost a single parcel of mine yet (touch wood).

Just a thought regarding the capacitor fix, if you use a legged cap, you should be able to trap it in the socket under the SID’s pins thus performing the mod with no soldering needed.

I’m standing by

Kind regards


What kind of caps are needed? Ceramic disc ones, or something else?

Are more batches being shipped? I haven’t received a shipping notice yet :frowning:

I wonder why the maker didnt add the “External in” aka pin 26

There is an input according to the manual.


Just to confirm that I used a ceramic cap, I don’t see why any type of cap should not work.

I did use the ext in pin, it is used for the therapSid audio input jack.

@LMLMLM please can you confirm your order number so I can identify you?
I am shipping the final orders this week. Sorry for the delay

Kind regards

I used a legged cap soldered onto the pins. Worked well. I still have a constant sound when re-powering the Therapsid. But now the sound disappears instantly when playing a note.

Hi Alex,
I just ordered one after seeing this thread… do you have an estimate or idea how long my unit will take to produce? Also have you tried the filter feedback mod? Is there any reason why it is not suitable for the therapsid? Thanks :))

Hi Hagen,

Thanks for posting your mod, I have updated the manual to include instructions for opening the case and the vca mod. I borrowed your photo, hope you don’t mind.

FYI the note playing on powerup was intentional. It helped me make a final test back at home before shipping and I left it in the code as a greeting tone thing like on the SWINSID. I can certainly remove it if you guys prefer it to be silent on startup.

I have just uploaded a new firmware that fixes a patch save issue occuring on some eeproms.

There will be plenty more updates as feature requests are handled :slight_smile:

Hi analogback. Thanks for your order, Things are moving fast now so I expect to have all orders fulfilled within a week. please could you tell me your order# so I can tell you more specifically?

Filter feedback… I wasn’t aware of it but can instantly imagine the potential.
I’ll give it a try. I’m guessing a pot to feed the out into the in. I wonder if there is room somewhere on the backpanel for a panel mount minipot - that would be cool. I’ll definitely include it in the guide, thanks for the idea!


feel free to use the photo!

Regarding startup sound:
Good to know that this is not a bug. So I could live with it. But since the therapsid has no power switch, it is “on” as soon as I power up my computer stuff (switched socket outlets). Then I see a signal on the level meter of my audio interface. To get rid of it I would need to remove power from Therapsid or fire up Ableton and play a note to Therapsid (requires loading “External Instrument” etc.). So it may be more comfortable to let the greeting sound fade out after some seconds. Or how about a nice but short chip tune jingle? (will become a trademark sound soon…) :wink: