New Machines for your machine

Massive sounds with Raw, Swarm, Bits, … slammed into Analog FX Drive …


that’s a whopper :fire:


Swarm is really instant Frankfurt Trance. EPIC breakdowns for the MDMA crowd. :slight_smile:

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Are there more Machines on the Way? Were those two just a tease?

Insta says more machines, then talks those two here, then says and beyond.

Is there something coming in the end of syntakt days? A big bang?

The teaser was saying the same thing before announcing the 2 machines.
So I would say, very unlikely for the moment.

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No bangerang on nov 30th. Oh come on. That would be a super duper bang :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It would be interesting to know what the limits are on the number of new machines they can add…
I wonder if at some future point there could be more than can be stored and maybe users could then use Transfer to pick the collection of machines they want at any one time.

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Well, personally I don’t care, I don’t even own a Syntakt, I’m just being realistic :smiley:
I’d love an Octatrack update tho :smiley:

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New machines is what I was hoping for the most. So I’m really happy. The Syntakt feels now much more mature in my hands. I hope there’ll be a few more :wink:


The amount of machines they’ll be able to put on the syntakt will just depend how much space there is for the code, but having more machines on the device won’t tax it as no matter how many machine there is you can only ever play 12 of them at once.

Forget that transfer lark to load other machines that will never happen, that would leave us all with syntakts with different machines onboard and you won’t be able to swap and open other peoples projects if they didn’t have the same machines loaded, Elektron wouldn’t work like that.


My Syntakt does connect to Overbridge anymore. It happened after the recent update. Had no problem before that. But right now, even Elektron Transfer cannot see it when I put the device in Overbridge mode. I have to switch to USB mode in order to connect to Transfer.

I also own DT and DN, and those two have no problem at all connecting to Overbridge. I swapped cables, no bueno. I uninstalled the latest Overbridge Engine; re-installed that, along with re-updating the firmware on the device itself. Still does not connect. Not with the App itself, and not with the plugins on Ableton.

Anybody else with the same issue?

EDIT: wanted to add that i get this message when the device is on USB mode. Turns to nothing when I switch to Overbridge mode.

I assume that you did update the Syntakt with the latest update including the 2 new Machines? Have you installed the new version of Overbridge too?

Edit : I see that you did install the latest version of OB ( Do you have the Elektron plugins in the right Folder?

With sound locking, is there really a 12-at-once limitation? I’ve been wondering how it behaves if you trigger an instance of every existing machine.

It can be a different 12 each time, but on any given step, only 12 sounds (could be all from one machine, or each from a different machine, or any combination that adds up to 12, respecting the digital/analog divisions).

Thanks. Makes sense. But if each step had different sounds they’d all have to be “loaded” so I’d imagine running up against some memory constraints if there were hundreds of machines to choose from and you used a different set on each of the 64 steps. Doesn’t mean you couldn’t have hundreds of machines to choose from, but perhaps an error or warning would result. I’m just guessing.

The two constraints (not memory but how sounds are represented in the firmware) are 256 sounds [edit: 128 sounds] in the sound pool of the active project (a sound must be there to be p-locked on an individual trig) and 2048 sounds on the Drive+. Other than that, no limits [edit: at most 72 different parameters can be locked per pattern]. It’s one of the great features of the Elektron sequencer.

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Sweet. Bring on the machines!

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Yes they are in the right folder. DN and DT plugins work perfectly both on Windows and Ableton.

Have you tried Overbridge with Syntakt after the latest firmware?

Yes, I use it everyday and had no issue.

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… screaming “swarm”, shattering “alloy” and hard kicking “tone” …
after the update, I’m hanging over my syntakt every day :stuck_out_tongue: