New Mackie Onyx mixers

I’m liking the little onyx 8


Intriguing. I had a 1640 from the first onyx series. It was a pretty good mixer, sometimes I wish I still had it. FireWire interface and monstrous size were my only gripes.

I just bought one of the original 1220’s without FW for £100. Great mixer IMHO !

Watching with interest!

Oh. No multitrack USB record/playback?

You can record multitrack (8, 16, whichever model you choose) over USB to computer, but playback from USB is limited to 4 streams.


If the soundcraft 12mtk I have sat in customs (thanks Brexit) doesn’t work out I know where I’ll start looking next.

Really thought they would have added multitrack playback (USB and or SD) for mix down. Oh well, I can’t afford a new mixer anyway!

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Great idea for Mackie to add USB recording to their mixers, and the prices are right.

Full spec here:

(Dated June 2020? That threw me off. Also: ‘content creation’?! Who writes this stuff?)

If you want more than one send, your only option is the 24, which has three sends. It’s affordable, but big. Affordable before cables, anyway.

If u really want a real mackie mixer:

These new ones forgot to add enough inserts, sends and returns inputs outputs… very badly featured as inputs and outputs goes… Too bad ! :frowning:


Once I get/if I ever get a bigger desk then 1642 will be my choice still.
Probably the only thing that could tempt me away from that would be something similar to Tascam Model 16 or 24 but with more sends, returns and subgroups. Like a 1642 with multitrack recording and playback from SD card for instance :slight_smile:

Exactly this. I wonder why my much smaller 1202 has more sends and returns than the large Onyx.


Tascam still limited.
This even more flexible

Probably the most flexible still available now.
Kalkbrenner used it a lot, even for live sets.

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I find it weird, these mixers aren’t getting any more attention. No thorough reviews, no discussions etc.


I think part of it is that they haven’t begun shipping en masse yet. The other part, is that although these seem like decent mixers, to me they dropped the ball on the recording aspect. It only records multitrack recording over usb to your computer, and can only record the stereo master track to the SD card. I think part of the reason people seem to like the the Tascam model series, the Zoom Livetrack series and even the 1010 bluebox is because they are mixers that can record multitrack to SD card standalone. Granted, if people only need a mixer, and don’t ever need to record anything without a computer, then Mackie has always made some decent mid-level mixers, and I bet these will be on par with other things they have done.


I had one reserved, but ultimately settled on a bigger interface to save space. Plus these only have 2 sends if I remember right.

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I’m hoping they update the firmware to make SD-card multitrack possible.

I’m happy with mine. Its very flexible and I use the multi track over USB a lot - and also the stereo recording option.


So is the SD card recording for the main outs only?

Yes. For the time being. But I requested (if hardware permits it) if they can make the SD-card recording capable of multitrack.

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