New MD owner looking for tips and tricks

Just got a MD 3 days ago. Digging it so far but I feel more limited in sound generation than I anticipated.

What are your favorite Machines and ways to use them that I may not be realizing?

recommend grabbing a few things from the files section:

-tib’s machinedrum tips
-wesen’s machinedrum notes #1 and #2, with sysex and samples

then after you’ve spent some time absorbing those:

-next level tips, by veets

…the two tips documents are terrific compilations of advice from many users’ forum posts over the years. wesen’s notes have a lot of useful thoughts on sound design with the internal synths, as well as effective ways to incorporate samples.


Give it a year and you’ll be better. It’s an instrument, you have to learn, study, and practice to find love. There are no limits on what the MD can do.

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Oh I plan on giving it until it dies. Haha. Just wanted to get some more experienced user insight.

I too am new to MD. I got it little over a month ago. I’m finding out that with some parameters, a little value change can have a huge effect on the sound. And some parameters affect each other significantly.

My advice would be when making parameter changes, make it in small increments. If you turn the knobs too much too fast, you may miss some potential sweet spots.

I am learning MD myself. The Ruin-Wessen site no longer exists. Is there any other place to get the Sysex files that accompany his excellent notes?

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